She was both nervous and excited about tonight. She hadn’t brought someone she cared enough about to want her family’s approval since Danny. It shouldn’t matter what they thought, but she hoped they would accept Tyson.
What was she thinking? She was a grown woman, not a teenager.
They reached a buffet table that had room for the casserole dish. Haylee took off the foil covering it and adjusted the spatula she’d brought for everyone to use to serve themselves.
Tyson rested his hand on her shoulder, and she looked at him. “If your enchiladas disappear before I get any, I’d like to request a whole pan-full just for me.”
She grinned. “If you provide a half-gallon of chocolate bunny tracks ice cream, it’s a deal.”
He looked amused. “Deal.”
“Haylee.” A familiar voice called out her name, and she turned to see her sister-in-law, Marlee, approaching with Colt at her side. Haylee’s brother carried their fifteen-month-old daughter, Charlotte.
“Hey, Marlee.” Haylee hugged her and drew back. “Do you know Tyson?”
Marlee looked to Tyson. “I’ve seen you around, but we haven’t met.”
Tyson touched the brim of his hat. “It’s a pleasure, Marlee.” He inclined his head toward Colt. “Now, your husband is another story.” He turned to Colt. “You have a beautiful wife and daughter.”
Marlee laughed. “Haylee, I like him.”
Colt shifted his daughter in his arms and smiled. “Yes, sir, that’s a fact.” He glanced from Tyson to Haylee and grinned. “I heard something about you asking Tyson out tonight.”
Haylee’s cheeks burned. Tyson stepped in and put his arm around Haylee’s shoulders. “You can’t believe everything you hear.” He looked down at her and smiled. “I asked her out for our first date last weekend.”
“I dunno about this.” Colt put on a mock, serious face. “She is our baby sister, and you’ll have to go through an extensive application and vetting process.”
“Oh, for goodness’s sake.” Haylee shook her head then looked up at Tyson. “Are you going to ask me to dance, or what?”
Tyson touched the brim of his hat and nodded to Marlee before slipping his arm around Haylee’s waist and drawing her into the crowded barn. It could have been a dominant and possessive move, and Haylee wondered if it was that or him just guiding her to the dance floor.
They stood together to the side, waiting for a new tune to start. Tyson nodded and greeted people he knew, as did Haylee. It looked like the entire town of King Creek had turned out for the event.
A country waltz started, and Tyson swung her onto the floor. She laughed and followed his lead.
“You’re a great dancer.” She smiled. “You haven’t stepped on my toes once.”
“The night is still young.” He gave her a teasing smile. “I hope you wore hard-toed boots.”
“Ha.” She felt lost in his gaze as he looked at her. “I think you’re the one who’d better be watching out.”
A lively tune had them laughing as they two-stepped around the dance floor. When they finished dancing to the third song, Haylee begged for mercy.
Perspiration dotted her forehead as they moved away from the floor. “I need a moment to catch my breath.”
One of Haylee’s favorite Kade Field songs started—a slow one. She turned to tell Tyson that she’d changed her mind, but Clint Taylor, a brief mistake she’d made, stepped between them. “I’ll take this dance.”
Her eyes narrowed at the possessiveness in Clint’s tone.
“Haylee’s card is full.” Tyson spoke in a firm voice and moved to her side before she could tell Clint what he could do with himself and where.
Before she or Clint could respond, Tyson drew her onto the dance floor. He brought her into his embrace. “I saw the look on your face, and it was clear that you weren’t interested, so I stepped in. I hope you don’t mind.”
Haylee let out her breath in a slow exhale. “This is one time I don’t.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “Let’s not talk about him.”
“All I’m interested in is you.” He held her as they swayed to the slow song, and she listened to Kade Fields’ voice. It was hard to believe she’d just met the singer a week ago and even harder to believe she was now in the arms of a man she could easily fall head over heels for.
She felt secure in his embrace and filled her lungs with his earthy and so very male scent.