Page 15 of Country Mist

He moved his gaze from Jill to Haylee, who was laughing. “Now that would be interesting but inconvenient. I don’t think you’d fit inside my truck cab.”

Leeann snorted with laughter, and Jill smirked. “Off you go.”

Tyson held the door open for Haylee and closed it behind him when she stood on the porch beneath the light, waiting.

“You look so handsome.” Her long blonde hair swayed around her shoulders as she tipped her head back to meet his gaze, her brown eyes sparkling. “I’ll be with the best-looking cowboy at the barn dance.”

He settled his hand at the curve of her waist and brushed his mouth over her soft lips. He wanted to kiss her more thoroughly, but there would be time later. She smelled so good, a delicate floral scent that reminded him of honeysuckle.

She smiled up at him. “I’m ready when you are.”

He guided her down the porch steps and escorted her along the pathway. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight since you asked me out. Hell, I’ve been looking forward to our first date since that night at the casino before you even asked me.”

“You invited me on our first date, after all.” Haylee allowed him to help her into his truck in the near darkness. “It’s our second date now.”

“And I’m glad for it.” He closed the door then strode around the front to the driver’s side. He opened the rear door of the king cab, set the enchiladas on the seat, and tossed his Stetson next to it. Once that was done, he climbed into the driver’s seat, shut the door, and shoved the key in the ignition.

She clicked her seatbelt into place as the motor turned over. “Let’s go, cowboy.”

The drive to the Woodsons’ ranch, not far from the base of the Superstition Mountains, was a good fifteen miles out of town but wasn’t more than ten minutes south of Tyson’s place, the Big T.

“I take it you’ve been to the annual barn dance at the Woodsons’ ranch.” He glanced at her then back to the dirt road they traversed, the headlights bouncing as the truck jolted in the ruts. “I’ve been a few times, but it’s been a while.”

“Every year since my middle school days.” She nodded. “I don’t remember seeing you the last few years.”

He shook his head. “Not since high school.”

“Why not?” She looked intrigued. “It’s one of the best social events of the year.”

“I’ve never been serious enough about a woman to want to take her.” He shrugged. “It’s the kind of thing where everyone talks about who you’re with and debates on whether or not it’ll last.”

She nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. “I guess they’ll be doing that with us tonight.”

He met her gaze and smiled. “And I don’t give a damn what they decide to speculate on when it comes to you. I’m betting on us.”

She cocked her head. “What makes you so sure?”

He turned onto the road that led to the Woodsons’. “I know something special when I see it, Haylee.”

* * *

God, but she loved how he said her name, a purr and a caress. She found herself hoping he was right, that things would move forward between them.

“I feel that way, too,” she said softly. “Whatever it is between us is special.”

He smiled, sexy and sinful all in one. “I’m glad you agree.”

She loved looking at him. Tonight, he wore a black Stetson and a cream-colored western shirt, well-polished black boots, and Wranglers that molded his ass perfectly—she couldn’t see that part right now, but she had sure noticed when she’d first seen him tonight.

They rounded a bend in the road, opening into a large area where his truck’s headlights reflected off the dozens of parked cars.

Beyond the cars stood the big red barn with white trim. The double doors were wide open, the inside bright with a yellow glow illuminating the guests.

Outside the barn, floodlights made it easy to see the barbeque grills, plus big tables laden with food for the potluck. Picnic tables were scattered in front of the barn—many benches already occupied.

Haylee waited as Tyson strode to her door then helped her down from the vehicle, which was a big step to the ground. She could have done it herself, but, well, cowboys. They were a stubborn lot, and it was best to pick your battles. But she had to admit she enjoyed the attention from Tyson—as long as he didn’t go too far and become overprotective or territorial or go caveman on her.

He retrieved the casserole pan, and despite the size of it, he carried it with ease one-handed, while keeping his other palm at her waist as they walked. Smells of mesquite wood smoke, BBQ ribs, and grilled burgers met them long before they got close.