Page 10 of Country Mist

Tyson didn’t take his gaze off her. “I guess I should allow you to get back to potential clients. Not that I want to let you out of my sight.”

At that moment, she didn’t want to let him out of her sight. Instead of voicing that thought, she nodded. “I should be mingling.” She offered him a smile. “I’m looking forward to Saturday night.”

“That makes two of us.” He winked and walked toward the gallerist with long strides.

That sexy wink made her belly quiver. This was all too crazy and probably too quick, but what the hell? She had been interested in Tyson before but was now downright anxious for their first date.

He looked back and caught her still staring at him. Her flesh heated, and she forced herself to turn away and head for the nearest group of people gathered in front of a couple of her paintings.

After a while, she relaxed and enjoyed chatting with guests. She wanted to look for Tyson, but she kept herself focused on those who tried to talk with her about her work.

At one point, she noticed the painting of the palo verde was no longer on its easel, and her insides warmed at the thought that Tyson liked her paintings. She didn’t think he was the type to spend that kind of cash to impress a woman. No, he wasn’t the kind of man who tried to impress. He didn’t even have to attempt—he just did.

At closing time, the last of the guests had left, and Mrs. Rhodes had locked the front door. Haylee looked from one empty easel to another.

“Your first showing was a brilliant success.” Mrs. Rhodes stepped beside Haylee. “Well done, love.”

“I can’t believe how well it went.” Haylee made a sweeping gesture. “I didn’t expect so many of my paintings to go.”

The older woman moved toward the back of the gallery, and Haylee joined her. “I can officially say, ‘I told you so.’”

Haylee laughed. “One time when I don’t mind being told that.” She retrieved her cardigan and her purse. “It’s been a long day, and I’m going to sleep well.”

Mrs. Rhodes walked Haylee to the front, unlocked the door, and pushed it open, letting the cool night breeze in. “I’ll walk you to your car, Haylee.”

“I can escort her.” Tyson’s low drawl had Haylee spinning around.

She held her hand to her chest. “You startled me.”

“Sorry, hon.” Tyson moved his sensual gaze away from her. He looked at Mrs. Rhodes and touched the brim of his hat. “Evening, ma’am.”

“It looks like Haylee is in good hands.” The older woman smiled, looking completely charmed by Tyson. “You both have a good night, and be careful driving back to King Creek.”

“We will,” Tyson said before Haylee could utter a word.

Mrs. Rhodes stepped back, and the lock clicked into place.

Haylee turned her attention to Tyson. “What are you doing here?”

He gave her an amused look. “I’d think that would be obvious. I wanted to catch you before you left for home.” He looked along the street. “Where are you parked?”

She gestured to her fire-engine-red 4 x 4 truck with a camper shell, parked a short distance away. “Pretty close for you to have waited just to walk me to it.”

He slid his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “How’d you like to join me at the Prickly Pear?” He inclined his head in the direction of the upscale bar. “I’ll buy you a drink.”

Haylee looked up at him. “Have you started already?”

Tyson shook his head. “One glass of champagne at the gallery.”

She wanted to spend time with him more than she cared to admit. “It’s been a couple of hours since I had a glass of champagne. I guess it can’t hurt to have a drink.”

He smiled, and she caught a glint of pleasure in his eyes in the streetlight. She stepped beside him, and he touched the small of her back, sending a shiver through her.

She glanced up at him. “Have you been waiting out here all this time?”

“Henry and I stood outside and talked a bit.” Tyson shrugged. “He left not ten minutes ago.”

She smiled, pleased Tyson had waited for her.