Page 73 of Sold on You

Daisy had done just that when she first found out that Kit was interested in leaving her entire life behind and taking a pay cut to go work at a ranch in the middle of the desert. Daisy thought it was crazy, but she helped Kit pack her things and move out here anyway.

Thinking about the reason why she wanted to be in the country usually made Kit’s stomach sink. At this moment, however, she found excitement building inside.

“My grandparents had a farm in northern California before they passed away. Some of my best memories are from days we spent in the country. It will be like going back to my roots.” She missed the time she had spent on the farm and missed her grandparents so very much.

She needed to return to that simplicity in life.

Surprise was clear in Daisy’s tone. “You grew up on a farm? Why haven’t you told me about that oneimportantdetail?”

“It’s been hard for me to talk about.” A wave of sadness washed over Kit as she took the exit. “My sister and I spent summers on the farm during our childhood with Grandpa Will and Grandma Martha. They were our paternal grandparents.”

She glanced in her rearview mirror as she pulled onto Kings Ranch Road and headed north. “I loved the farm and I’ve wanted to go back for so long. This gives me the opportunity to do that.”

“I understand.” Daisy’s voice softened. “I’m going to miss you.”

Kit swallowed past the lump that lodged in her throat. Daisy had been her closest friend since moving from San Francisco to Los Angeles. It wasn’t going to be easy not seeing her on a regular basis.

“We’re only going to be 350 miles or so apart.” Kit tried to make her voice sound perky, even though she didn’t feel that way. “That’s five or six hours.”Or so.

“I’m going to miss our lunch, movie, hairstyle, and shopping dates,” Daisy said. “Who am I going to drag to Neiman Marcus when I need a new pair of shoes?”

Kit laughed.

“If it wasn’t for that cheating bastard, you’d still be here,” Daisy went on. “Did I ever say how much I hate that S.O.B.?”

Kit gripped the steering wheel tighter, until her hands ached. “I needed a change anyway, and I want to see if I still fit in the boonies.”Or the boonies fit in me.

She slowed as she neared a four-way intersection. Her heart slowed too, as Daisy’s words brought thoughts of her ex-boyfriend, Derrick, to the forefront of her mind, where she didn’t want him at all.

She came to a stop at the sign before continuing. There was no other traffic.I haven’t seen another car in ages.

It struck her how different this was from the world she lived in before. It brought back some fond memories of a simpler life. Where she didn’t have to fight against city traffic on a day to day basis.

This place must be out in the middle of nowhere.


Truth was she would have been happy to stay in L.A. with the great future she’d imagined with Derrick,ifhe’d been who she’d thought he was. Unfortunately, that was all it was, her imagination painting the idyllic picture of a home with someone she’d been so certain she was desperately in love with.

In her heart she knew that was the problem. She’d been desperate for love. At thirty-three, it was far past time to break the pattern.

Not going to happen again.

Even as she went to culinary school, she always dreamed of opening her own restaurant in a small town. When she met Derrick, wanting true love, she’d changed. Her life goals changed too, in order to fit into the L.A. lifestyle with him. She didn’t realize how much she would regret that.

Taking this job at the ranch in Arizona was her chance to clear her head and reset back to what her goals were before him. She planned to work at the ranch and save up money before deciding where to go and open her restaurant.

Kit barely slowed as she checked all directions before continuing on down the road.

“Who knows.” Daisy spoke in a brighter tone. “Maybe Mr. Big Time Cowboy Rancher will turn out to be sexy. Come to think of it, cowboys are pretty hot. I bet your boss will be, too.”

Kit rolled her eyes. “Cowboysarehot, but he’s probably twenty years older than me. As sexy as cowboys are, they do have an expiration date.”

“Sam Elliott is still hot,” Daisy said in a teasing voice.

“Point taken.” Kit laughed.

Maybe it would be nice to have someone easy on the eyes.