Page 62 of Sold on You

Celine was a fashion designer from New York City and Ace had expected her to be like a fish out of water on Jayson’s ranch at the foot of the Bradshaws. But she and Jayson had the kind of love that moved mountains, and she’d adapted well. Although she had brought a lot of that fashion sense to the ranch—at least their home, anyway.

The thought of Charlee making Ace’s house more of a home, with a woman’s touch, had come to the forefront of his mind multiple times. He glanced at Charlee and his gut tightened. He wanted her more than anything in the whole damned world. But he couldn’t give her the kind of world she wanted.

She tipped her head to meet his gaze and she frowned. “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting upset all night.”

“I’m fine,” he said.

She rolled her eyes. “Poker face, remember?”

He had heard that his whole damned life, and he doubted that was going to change. He shrugged. “We can talk about it later.”

She frowned, like she could tell it wasn’t good, whatever it was. Maybe he should have just told her before the party rather than bringing her to it. He’d promised and he wanted Charlee to have a good time tonight. Maybe that hadn’t been the right decision.

Ace gave a nod toward his brother Jack and his wife, Dara. “Why don’t we go say hello.”

Charlee’s face lit up and she started in that direction. She hugged Dara and asked how she and the baby were doing. Dara glowed as she responded that they were doing great.

Ace wondered about the glow. Bailey had been radiant in the hospital, and Dara was glowing now.

How would Charlee look pregnant? Would she glow?

Ace ground his teeth. Not going there.

“How doMax and Leslie feel about a new baby in the family?” Charlee asked about Jack’s son and daughter from his first marriage. His wife had passed away several years ago.

“They seem pretty happy about it.” Dara pushed the heavy fall of her dark hair out of her face. “Leslie has talked about having fun babysitting and playing dress up with her if she gets a sister, and Max wants to teach a brother to play football.”

“Maybe you’ll have twins—one of each,” Charlee teased. “After all, Jack is a twin.”

“Bite your tongue.” Dara shook her head. “One at a time, please.” Then she added, “I’ve seen what Jo goes through with her twins. And Molly must have had hell with Jayson and Jack.”

“Jo’s girls aresoadorable.” Charlee grinned. It was so fun watching Dara squirm. “Twice the fun.”

Dara rolled her eyes. “Twice the diapers, twice the potty-training, twice being up in the middle of the night, twice the feedings, twice the clothes.” She blew out her breath. “I’m exhausted thinking about it. No thank you.” She put her hand on her hip. “Hey, twins run in families. You could have a set of twins.”

Gulp. “Uh, sure.” Charlee had asked for it. Now she was on the receiving end. “But boys.”

Dara smirked. “You can give but you can’t take.” She looked at Ace. “How about you, Ace? You have older brothers who are twins. What would you think of having some of your own?”

The floor could have opened up and Charlee could have been swallowed whole and she would still die from embarrassment. She glared at Dara then shot a look at Ace, who looked slightly green at the thought.

Ace rested his palm on Charlee’s shoulder. “I think Justice needs something.”

Ace fled.

“Why did you do that, Dara?” Charlee’s face positively burned with embarrassment.

“Sorry about that.” Dara did look apologetic. “But I have to admit that after all these years of his mischief, since we were kids, I enjoyed seeing him turn green.”

“I hope youdohave twins after that.” Charlee’s face cooled a bit and she started to see the humor in the moment. “It would have been hysterical if I wasn’t dating him.”

“So youaredating him.” Dara brightened considerably. “Bailey is going to freak.”

“Shhh.” Charlee looked around to make sure no one overheard. “This is only my second date with Ace. Don’t say anything yet. Let’s just wait and see.”

Dara gave a knowing look. “Uh-huh.”

“Are Bailey and Seth coming tonight?” Charlee did her best to steer the conversation in a different direction.