Page 35 of Sold on You

He pointed at her. “Nope. You’ll be going hiking West Fork Trail with me and dinner out afterward at a barbeque place in Sedona.”

“Buckle in and let’s go.” She gripped her controller with a determined expression. “Time for me to kick butt and take names.”

She started the game before he had a chance to respond. She was off like a shot. Her laughter was muffled beneath their blanket fort, and he loved the sound. She’d been laughing a lot more over their couple of days of being snowed in, clearly feeling relaxed and at ease around him—and it was obvious she enjoyed being around him, just like he loved being around her.

For a while, Ace thought she might be right and beat his ass at the game. But determination won out and he beat her three games to two.

“Ugh.” Charlee rolled onto her back and stared up at the cloth ceiling of their blanket fort. “I can’t believe you beat me.”

He couldn’t help a broad grin as he rolled onto his back next to her. “The trail is beautiful in the winter with the snow.”

She groaned. “I suppose you don’t want to wait for spring? I bet it’s much prettier then.”

“No putting it off.” He grasped her hand in his and squeezed. “Although I might be persuaded to have dinner with you at the barbeque place in Sedona after we get back, then hiking when it warms up in the spring.”

She turned her head to look at him but didn’t pull her hand away. God, she was beautiful.

He shifted so he could brush hair away from her cheek. “What are you thinking about, sunshine?”

Her throat worked as she swallowed. “Why do you call me that?”

“Because you brighten my life,” he said quietly, “even with a snowstorm outside, you are like sunshine on a summer day.”

She closed her eyes and he could barely breathe. What was she thinking?

He kept a grip on her hand and brought it up to rest on his chest. He eased closer to her so that their bodies were snug. It was like basking in the sun, the way warmth slid through him at the feel of her body so close to his.

She opened her eyes, so blue and gorgeous that she took his breath away.

“I-I” Her eyes darkened, her lids lowered, and she stared at his mouth. “You make me crazy,” the words were breathy, as if she had a difficult time speaking. “You make mesocrazy.”

Ace released Charlee’s hand so he could roll onto his side and face her. He slid his other hand along her waist and down to her hip. He could never get enough of looking at her. The soft cloud of streaky blonde hair around her delicate features, the beauty of her smile, every single curve of her body, from her ears to her calves. Perfection.

She let out a sigh.

He brought his mouth closer to hers, moving slowly so it was clear he wasn’t pushing her. She still focused her gaze on his mouth. Shewantedhim to kiss her—he could see it in her eyes, and the way she was looking at him.

Before he could move another fraction, she brought her lips to his.

She slid her tongue into his mouth as she released a sigh that eased through him like warm caramel, melting him as it moved through his body. He groaned as she hooked her thigh over his, bringing their bodies closer, tighter together.

The kiss was so sweet, so long. He was almost afraid he would pass out as lightheaded as she made him.

When she finally broke the kiss, she snuggled against his chest, her head beneath his chin and her arm across his waist.

He rose up to look down on her. The blanket caught on his head, and when he tried to duck, the blanket fort collapsed on top of them.

Charlee giggled as they struggled to get out of the piles of pillows and the blanket that now covered them. They broke free and fresh air met her.

Ossie barked, like she wanted to join in on the fun.

Charlee smiled at Ace and he swooped in for a kiss.

When he broke away, she laughed. “I’m hungry.”

He flashed a grin. “Last one to the kitchen has to cook.”

She scrambled to get up, but got caught in the blanket, while Ace bolted away, Ossie at his heels. Charlee shook her head and smiled as she rose and made her way to the kitchen.