Page 72 of Savage King

His cock fills my back hole, one expert finger plunging inside me and the other circling my clit. Holy hell, I’ve never felt anything like it. So full of Dante, pleasure seething from every inch of me.

“I’m going to come….”

Pleasure laps through me, swallowing me whole. He thrusts in and out, in and out, slowly and so damned deep.

“Dante,” I groan.

“Come for me, sweetheart.” He pinches my clit and thrusts his cock at the same moment, my nipples brushing against the frigid glass and the onslaught of sensations bowls me over. I plummet over the edge, a tremor so powerful raging through me, my legs flail beneath me. If it wasn’t for Dante holding me upright, I would’ve collapsed.

As I ride the waves of pleasure, Dante’s cock jerks inside me. He moans my name as warmth spills down my legs. “Oh, Rosa,” he growls, still fisting my hair. Dragging my mouth to his, he pumps a few more times inside me as his tongue ravages mine. “Oh, Rosa, Rosa, you will be my absolute salvation. That or my utter demise. Either way, I’ll die a very happy man.”




I can’t remember the last time I slept with a woman.

Not fucked, but actuallysleptwith in my bed, nonetheless. On top of me, more specifically. And to ring in the New Year. That has to be monumental. Rose tried to roll over onto the mattress after the last time I claimed her, but I held her fixed to my body, my cock still buried deep inside her. I liked it there. Wanted to stay forever.

Hours later, when I’d gone soft, I still couldn’t unravel my arms from around her soft form. So, I spent the entire night into the New Year like this with her chest against mine, her heart fluttering happily against my own. Who needed New Year’s Eve fireworks when we had enough fire in our bed to light up all of Manhattan.

I’d never had a better night of sex or sleep in my damned life. Which of course now has panic flooding my veins.

Rose wasn’t wrong yesterday. The feelings this woman brings out in me have me scared shitless. For years, vengeance, hatred and violence were all I knew. They were all-consuming but simple. Now, I want more.

And it isn’t only because of Rose. I’d finally taken the throne as king of Papà’s empire, I’d finally assumed my birthright after all these years. But vengeance is bittersweet, and a solitary king is a worthless one. I’d hoped for redemption, for some way to make up for all the shit in my past. For disappointing my father, failing my younger brother, for hurting his fiancée, for screwing up my own damned life. But I’ve come to a realization: the notion of redemption is for fools. My sins will follow me to the grave and pay for my front seat in hell.

But maybe, just maybe, it’ll all have been worth it if Rosa remains at my side in this life.

My thoughts flicker to the past, to the day we buried Papà….

“Someone has to take over Re Industries.” Luca stomps across the backyard of our old house in the Bronx. He’s fuming, nostrils flaring. The little shit thinks he can frighten me. He’s barely twenty years old and already he thinks he knows it all.

He can talk to me about life once he’s lived through the hell I’ve endured.

“I already said no,” I growl.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Dante?” He glares at me, jabbing his finger in my chest. We’re both still wearing our black funeral suits and the jacket is stifling. I barely contain the urge to rip it off, that and the oppressive tie. “You’re the eldest son. It’s your birthright to take over the business. Everything Papà worked for all these years, I won’t let it go up in flames.”

“It’s whathewanted, coglione.” The discussion I had with my father all those months ago floats to the front of my mind.Swear it on my grave, that you will never assume your roll as heir. I don’t want this for you. You’re capable of so much more.

“It can’t be!” Luca shouts and shoves me back. “If you won’t take over the business then I will.”

A deep chuckle vibrates my chest. “Like hell you will,fratellino. You don’t have the first clue about running an enterprise like Papà’s.”

“Vaffanculo, Dante. I’ve been trailing our father for the past two years while you were off at Cornell with those prep school brats. I’ve been here, not you. And you know what, you’re right. You’re not the man for the job, I am.”

I grab my brother by the collar and jerk him up off his feet. “This is not what Papà wanted for us and especially not for you,coglione. Just let it go.”

“Never,” he spits before stomping away like a stubborn child.

I was so stupid. If I’d only told him the full truth that day instead of taking off on a wild bender that would throw me into rehab for a month, our entire lives could have turned out differently. By the time I got out, Luca had taken over the business, and my pleas fell on deaf ears. Somehow, they didn’t carry as much weight from a raging alcoholic and drug addict.

Porca miseria.

Rose lets out a soft sigh, then stirs on top of me, instantly waking my cock. I press a soft kiss to the top of her head before I can think better of it.This is boyfriend shit, you idiot.You don’t know the first thing about it. That voice taunts in the back of my mind, and it’s not wrong. I don’t know the fucking first thing about caring for someone the right way. I’d tried with Luca after Papà and screwed up royally, and even with Mamma, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten it right. She loves me because she has to, but perfect, little Luca has always been her favorite.