Page 63 of Savage King

I eye Tony through the crack in the door as one of the spin instructors walks into the lounge. A stroll with my friend sounds much more bearable than the extended awkward silences with this guy. “Yeah, I’d love that.”

She throws me a conspiratorial wink and leans in close, “And you can catch me up on what’s going on with you and the sexy Dante.”

I let out a frustrated grunt. “Absolutely nothing. He’s still avoiding me.” I’d filled her in on the tamer details of our laundry room hook up, leaving out the dark and twisty bits. I didn’t think Maisy would be into that stuff, and we weren’t that close of friends just yet.

“Men are such a-holes.” She throws Tony a glare, and my faithful bodyguard falls into step a few paces behind us.

“A-hole.” A laugh tumbles out, probably the first one in days, and it feels good. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you curse, Miss Maisy.”

“Yeah, Mrs. Gloria Vanderbilt would definitely not approve. She would’ve fired every single one of my au pairs if she’d heard such vile language.”

I laugh again. “Damn, so you’re not just rich because of your ex, you were raised rich?”

She nods. “It’s not something I really like to brag about. Growing up in a wealthy family just meant being raised by cold, uncaring staff in a huge house devoid of any warmth and hardly ever spending time with your parents.”

“Geez, I’m sorry, girl.” My life might have gone to shit because of my uncle, but before that, the memories were good.

“Seriously, you have nothing to be sorry about.” She shrugs. “Nothing worse than the poor little rich girl.”

I wrap my arm around her shoulder, not only for her, but also for me. With Stella gone, she’s done an amazing job filling the void, and I’m beyond thankful to have her. As a matter of fact, if this thing with Dante doesn’t thaw out soon, I may ask if she’d be interested in a new roommate. Her house is certainly big enough.

Despite Dante completely ignoring me, I have a feeling he wouldn’t take my moving out well. But honestly, I don’t give a fuck what he wants. I’ve been more than understanding, I’ve given him days to work out his shit. I might not have been a licensed psychologist yet, but I know exactly what he’s doing. He is scared out of his mind after showing me his dark and twisted pieces, and now he is desperately trying to push me away.

Well, if he doesn’t figure out his issues soon, he’ll get what he wants.

We walk in a comfortable silence for a few more blocks, my spinning thoughts more than enough company. Maisy starts to slow and points at a building on the corner of East 76thStreet. “This is me.”

Thank goodness it’s only a few more blocks to Dr. Winchester’s, and the cold hasn’t quite frosted my nose yet. “Thanks for the walk and the chat.”

“Anytime.” She turns for the door, but before her gloved hand closes around the handle, it swings open.

Caroline barges out, then freezes when her icy glare catches mine. She stares down at me, her long, aristocratic nose in the air. “Oh, you,” she snarls.

“Yup, me.” I’m not quite sure what Dante told his ex after he kicked her out of his apartment to spend Christmas with me.

“Maisy, you two know each other?” Caroline’s perfectly plucked brows nearly reach her platinum blonde hairline.

I shoot my friend a curious glare. How does she know the enemy?

“We do.” She offers the blonde bitch a smile and squeezes my hand. “Rose and I work together at Palestra.”

A forced laugh titters out as Caroline presses her hand to her chest. “Oh, that’s so cute, Maisy. I heard you got a little job after that shameful divorce.”

Crimson blankets Maisy’s cheeks, and a swell of anger blossoms in my core. Maisy is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. No way I’d let this bitch talk down to her.

“Listen, Caroline,” I grit out.

“No, it’s okay, Rose, seriously.” She turns to me, those bright green eyes pleading, then pivots back to the queen bitch. “I just want to start over, Caroline. I have no interest in galas and all the pomp and circumstance of Manhattan high society.”

“Well, that explains why you’re withher.” She points her stuck-up nose in my direction.

I clench my molars to keep from cussing her out because I know I can do one better. “Maybe that explains why Maisy’s with me, but what about Dante?” I shoot her a sweet smile. “My guess is your frigid cunt just wasn’t doing it for him.”

A sharp giggle escapes Maisy’s lips, but she quickly covers it with a cough.

Caroline’s eyes shoot daggers, her murderous glare worth every second of this conversation. “You’re a vile-mouthed, uncouth little thing.”

“Maybe, but Dante sure seems to enjoy my mouth.”