Page 57 of Savage King

I slip my hand between our bodies and wrap my fingers around his erection over his slacks. His cock twitches at the touch. Then he’s balancing me on one palm and the other wraps around my wrist and drives my hand under the waistband of his pants.

“If you’re going to do it, Rosa, do it right.”

I smile against his lips as my fingers find his hard length. He’s like steel wrapped in satin. I stroke him slowly, beads of cum dripping down my hand as I slide up and down his shaft.

Gawd, I want this. I’ve wanted Dante from the first moment I laid eyes on him with that snooty Caroline on his arm. But I’m scared. Terrified.

This man will ruin me. I’m certain his words that night weren’t an idle threat. Only a few days with him, and I can feel the truth within every bone in my body. And I’m not sure I’m strong enough to survive him.

My hand must slow with my whirling thoughts because Dante spears me with a questioning gaze, his pupils blown out with desire. We remain frozen, locked in each other’s eyes for an endless moment. Those piercing orbs lance into mine, prying out the dark truths.

“Run,” he finally mumbles. “Run far away from me, sweetheart, if you know what’s good for you.”

I shake my head, my eyes still fixed to his. I’m too far gone already. I can try to fool myself all I want, but I’m falling for the savage King. “No.” I stiffen my lower lip.

“Then hide. If I find you, I will fuck you.”

A thrill surges up my spine as fiery heat spreads through every inch of my body. He releases me, and my feet scramble to find the floor.

“Are you serious?”

“I’ll count to ten.”

I nod quickly, my heart a jackhammer against my ribs. Then, I spin out of his grasp and run.

His voice booms in the background as he begins the countdown, the deep timbre vibrating my core. Fear and excitement throttle my body, and the ache between my legs only intensifies. This can’t be normal. I dart around the corner, through the great room and the warm twinkle of the Christmas tree catches my eye. How did we go from sitting around the tree in a comfortable silence just less than forty-eight hours ago to this? I toss the random thoughts to the back of my mind and race toward the bedrooms. There’s a laundry room beside the guestroom with a huge linen closet. If I hide behind the stacks of towels, maybe he won’t find me. I doubt the man has spent more than a minute of his life doing laundry.

“Three, Two...”

I freeze mid-run as the persistent throbbing at the apex of my thighs reaches a crescendo. Wait, I want him to find me. No, I need it. I need that man’s cock pounding into me to distract from all the chaos.

“One.” Dante’s voice echoes through the enormous penthouse.

The jagged edge to his tone sends my heart into a tailspin, and my feet take off of their own accord. I wrap my trembling hand around the laundry room doorhandle and jerk it open. The scent of fresh lavender temporarily simmers the frantic beats of my heart. Darting inside, I fumble in the darkness until I find the linen closet and crawl in.

And wait.

The silence ratchets up my fear, every second escalating the pounding rhythm of my pulse. I tuck my knees into my chest in a lame attempt at blocking the sound vibrating my entire torso.

The slap of heavy footfalls on marble stills my lungs. I hold my breath as the sound grows closer. “Oh, Rosa, when I find you, I’m going to devour you. I’m going to sink my cock into that sweet pussy until I’m balls deep, and my pulsing head punches your spine.”

I clap my hand over my mouth to keep the gasp from escaping. Heat pools between my legs with each ragged breath. Gawd, that man’s mouth is filthy. And nothing has ever turned me on more.

The click of a door opening sends my heart ratcheting up my throat. I shrink back and scoot behind a wicker hamper. The slats in the door reveal a dark shadow looming just outside.

“Mmm, sweetheart, are you wet for me already? I can smell that tantalizing scent from here.” He sucks a finger into his mouth, the wet sounds sending a chill up my spine then he pops it out. “You know, I can still taste you on my skin. It’s faint but it’s still there. You taste like sweet strawberries and salvation.”

Gawd, was it just two days ago he’d ravished me in the tub? So much has happened in the past forty-eight hours. So much has changed between us.

I sneak a peek beneath the crack in the door and can just make out the black tips of Dante’s shoes. He’s so close. I can’t decide whether to creep further into the closet or jump out and throw myself at him. I’m tired of fighting him off. I’ve fully accepted my fate.

“Here I come, sweetheart.” He stands in front of the closet door, his lips pressed to the slats. “I hope you’re ready because I don’t think I have the patience for any foreplay tonight. You’ve tortured me for days, and now it’s time to pay up.”

This time the gasp escapes before I can cover it. A wicked chuckle echoes in the darkness of the laundry room.

“Oh, Rosa, those sounds. I can’t wait to hear every single, sexy one as I impale you to the mattress and fill you with my cum.”

I’ve never been so turned on by the idea of cum dripping down my inner thighs. It is a damned good thing I’m on the pill. In Dante’s current state, I doubt he’d waste time with a condom.