Page 29 of Savage King

“Yup. Total dick move.” I shake my head, dispelling the heated memories threatening to bubble up to the surface. “Anyway, that was the old Rose. The new and improved version will never have anything to do with Dante Valentino.”

“Good for you.” She lifts her cup and clinks it against mine.

I still haven’t asked Maisy about her Christmas plans. It’s awkward and embarrassing as all hell. What kind of loser doesn’t have anyone to spend the holidays with?

“Thanks again for letting me crash here last night. My supe said the heater should be up and running soon, but with the holiday, I’m not sure when it’ll happen.”

“No problem, I had a lot of fun yesterday. I hadn’t realized how badly I needed a girls’ night.”

“Same.” I give her a smile before bringing my coffee up to smother the shame. “So … what are you up to tonight?”

She lets out a breath, blowing the bangs up off her forehead. “I’m driving up to Connecticut in a few hours to spend Christmas with my sister and her perfect family.” She rolls her eyes. “White picket fence, two-point-two kids and a lawyer husband who worships the ground she walks on.”

“Sounds like torture.” I force my smile in place despite the disappointment. Now where would I stay tonight?

She laughs. “It is. Especially with my life crumbling around me.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“Nah, don’t be. I’ll muddle through somehow.” She finishes off her coffee and glances back up at me. “What about you?”

“Oh, um, heading to Long Island to visit my dad and stepmom.” I couldn’t sound like a total loser to my new friend.

“Where does your mom live?” She eyes me curiously as I pick at my toast.

“She passed away a few years back.” The dark memories threaten to rise, but I stuff a chunk of avocado in my mouth and choke it down.

“Oh gosh, I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

“It’s okay. I mean it’s not, but what can you do?”

Maisy nods and glances out the window, the choppy waves of the Hudson blending with the gray skies overhead. “It sucks getting older, huh? I never thought I’d be divorced at twenty-three, and I bet you never imagined Christmases without your mom.”

Or having a stalker…

My head dips slowly, and I pray to all the gods she doesn’t ask what happened. Could a broken heart kill you? Because I’m fairly certain that’s what happened to my mom. And this had nothing to do with love.

I pop out of my seat before Maisy can ask any more questions. “I should probably head out and let you get ready for your trip.”

“I don’t have to leave for another hour so there’s no rush.”

“I wish I could stay longer, but I need to get some last-minute presents.”Lie.

“Oh, okay.” She rises and surprises me with a hug. Her slender arms wrap around my neck, and my throat tightens at the reassuring touch. “Thanks for last night, I really needed it.”

“Me too.”

Maisy releases me and escorts me to the door. My bags are already packed and ready to go. Not that I’d brought much in my desperate escape from my studio. Would I ever be able to go back there again? Just the idea of sleeping in my bed has my stomach churning and nausea creeping up my throat.

So where would I go? Maybe I shouldn’t have been in such a hurry to get out of that conversation.

I throw my tote bag over my shoulder, and Maisy gives me another smile. “Merry Christmas! I’ll see you back at Palestra in a few days?”

Hope unfurls in my chest, and a huge smile splits my lips.Palestra! Why hadn’t I thought of it sooner? The Plaza Hotel is always open which means I could easily slip into the gym with my all-access employee key card. I could spend the night on the couch in the employee lounge, if I could manage any sleep that is. Sure, it isn’t ideal, but it’s my best option for now.

I spin back and throw my arms around my new friend. “Merry Christmas, Maisy. I hope you have a great one.”

* * *