“Rose is cold, turn up the heat.”
“Will do.”
He slides the partition closed and refocuses his attention on the papers piled on his lap. A curse hisses out, and though my Italian is weak at best, I recognize it for what it is. In the short amount of time I’ve spent with Dante, I’ve learned the Italian word for shit,merda. He uses it about every third word. That andcazzowhich Stella translated loosely as fuck.
“You know, you could just get an electronic signature and have your assistant sign all that stuff for you.”
Dark eyes lift to mine and thick brows jump so high they nearly reach the wild tumbles of midnight hair. “You’re shitting me?”
“Nope. I do it all the time for Dr. Winchester.”
“Why wouldn’t Clara tell me—” Dante bites off the end of his sentence with another curse. “That woman is purposely trying to torture me.” He pauses, shoves the pen between his teeth and chews on the end. “No, this is Luca. He probably told her to keep me busy so I wouldn’t get into any trouble. That sneakybastardo. If he thinks burying me in a pile of paperwork is going to keep me in check, he’s got another thing coming.”
It takes every ounce of restraint I have to keep the smile from stretching across my face as he dumps the stack of papers on the floor. Dante in a business suit is bad enough but forced to sit behind a mountain of files at a desk? His brother really must be punishing him for something.
The elder Valentino is like a wild animal, a ruthless, savage lion on the prowl. Forcing him to sit in an office all day is like chopping the king of the jungle’s balls off and throwing him in a cage at the zoo. No wonder he’s been so pissy lately.
He pulls out his phone and growls something in Italian I definitely can’t make out. Then he glances up at me. “What’s this Dr. Mark’s last name?”
My heart stops beating with just the mention of my possible attacker. It takes me at least a solid minute to force it to start pumping again. “Dante, I don’t want this getting out….”
“I understand your concerns, but I already told you, this piece of shit will not go unpunished. No one touches what’s mine and lives. This is not up for discussion.” He slides to the end of the seat and spears me with those midnight orbs. “Until Luca and Stella return, You. Are. Mine.” He punctuates each word with a snarl, and fuck me, it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Because I’m clearly a mental case.
Heat pulses at the apex of my thighs, and I’m about a second from spreading my legs for this man. Which is insane and wrong on so many levels. Especially because I’d sworn he’d lost his chance with me. Going back on her word for an incredible fuck would be something the old Rose would do, but not Rose 2.0. No, I’d have to rein in the crazed sex kitten and buy a better vibrator.
“Rose?” Dante perches his elbows on his knees, and he leans closer. His legs are so long, his knees nearly brush against mine, despite the huge back seat. “Trust me when I tell you that whatever happens to the good doc, no one will ever know this had anything to do with you.”
“Okay.” My chin dips to my chest, and the hint of a smile creeps across my lips. “You promise not to kill him unless you’re sure he was the one that attacked me?”
His gorgeous mouth twists, and he releases a frustrated growl. “Fine, Rosa, I promise.”
Shit, did I just indirectly agree to letting him kill the guy if itwashim? “How will you find out?” I blurt.
Dante cracks his knuckles, and a wicked grin splits his lips. “I have my ways, sweetheart.”
My eyes fix on his mouth, on the naughty twist, and I inch closer until our knees do touch. Our eyes meet, and my heart staggers for a completely different reason this time. Dante’s gaze dips to his legs, then slides to my thighs. That heated gaze crawls up the inside of my leg until I feel it on my throbbing pussy. That one dark look has me clenching with need.
Which gives me a hope like no other I’ve ever felt. I thought after last night … but no, that asshole couldn’t steal this from me. I wouldn’t give him that control.
“Fuck,” Dante grits out. Then he draws in a breath and shakes his head before scooting back in the seat.
Aldo whips around a corner, and I tumble forward. Splaying my hands out for purchase, I grab two handfuls of Dante’s fine suit and land between his legs. Something hard and thick presses against my belly, and heat floods my lower half.
“Cazzo, Rosa…” he hisses as I scramble on top of him, grazing his cock.
“Sorry.” I can feel the burn on my cheeks as his big hands wrap around my hips to steady me. He plops me onto the seat beside him like I weigh nothing. I can’t help but glance at his lap and the outline of his massive erection. I also can’t help the ridiculous giddiness at seeing him hard for me. Dante Valentino can have any woman in New York City, and I just gave him a hard on when I fell into his lap. Point for the crazy girl.
Aldo pulls the limo over, and I glance out the tinted window to the upscale West Village neighborhood. A cute brownstone sits in front of us with colorful flowers on every windowsill. I lucked out that Maisy answered my text, otherwise I would’ve been shit out of luck.
Before messaging her, I’d gone through my paltry list of friends, and I’d been right, everyone was out of town for the holiday. If it wasn’t so last minute, I could have hopped on a plane to crash at my brother’s place in Florida, but the flights were expensive as hell two days before Christmas. So here I am.
Aldo opens the car door for us, and Dante slides out first, then offers me a hand. Chivalry? I so did not see that coming from the rough, tattooed mob boss. He eyes the three-story townhouse before turning to me. “I had this Maisy woman checked out so you should be safe for now.”
“Checked out?” I squeak. No wonder he wanted all her personal details.
“You didn’t think I’d let you stay with just anyone, did you, sweetheart?” He smirks, revealing that elusive dimple.
“I never knew you’d make such a devoted bodyguard, D.” I jab an elbow into his side and bat flirty lashes. “You’re a real-life fucking Kevin Costner.”