Page 14 of Savage King

Two sharp knocks send my heart leaping up my throat.Cazzo. Damned PTSD still hasn’t quite faded. I’d spent the better half of my twenty-nine years avoiding bullets, nothing like getting battered by half a dozen to fuck with your head.

“Come in,” I call out.

Clara, my brother’s executive assistant, saunters in with a stack of folders pressed to her chest. I inherited her, just like I did this office with the sweeping views of Central Park. I’d offered to take another office, but Luca had insisted it was all about the optics. If I was to be the interim CEO of King Industries, I had to play the part. My little brother was suited for all the political intrigue and power plays.You’re way out of your league, Dante, a taunting voice echoes in the dark corners of my mind.

No. For years, I’d taken a backseat in the business. It’s my time.

She dumps the pile of folders on my desk and smooths down her silk blouse, then turns her scrutinizing gaze on the untouched mountain beside it.

“What’s up?” I finally ask when her stare becomes uncomfortable.

“Dante, I need you to sign all of these documents before you leave the office tonight.”

I cock a skeptical brow. There must be hundreds of pages within those folders. “Veramente?”

“Yes, really.” She huffs out a breath and flips through the first few. “This is the contract for the gambling cruise. This one is the new docks project in the Lower East Side. This one is the blueprint for the new King’s tower in the Financial District.” Her words blur in the background as she flips through countless files.

“How did Luca find time to do all this shit?”

“Your brother worked hard for everything he has, Dante. He lived in the office for months when he was building this business. If you think you can just come in here and take over without putting in an ounce of effort—”

I lift my hand, cutting her off. “Basta.” If this woman wasn’t like a second mother to my brother, I would’ve had her carted out of here. That is the fundamental problem in this arrangement. My power as interim CEO is limited. And maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe Luca was right all along, and I wasn’t cut out for this white-collar nonsense. Maybe Papà knew it too, and all that bullshit he fed me was just an excuse.

She bites her tongue and looses a frustrated sigh, drawing me from my thoughts. “Scusi.”

I wave a nonchalant hand. “It’s fine. It’s going to take us all a little while to adapt to this new situation.”

“How long do you think Luca will have to stay away?”

“Until those Triad fuckers bend to my will.” And the sooner the better. I rise and tick my head at Tony. “Come on, let’s go to China Town.”

Clara trails behind me with an armful of files. “But Dante, you have to sign these.”

“I will when I get back.” I lengthen my strides and even Tony has to hurry to catch up as I flee the mountain of paperwork.

“Swear it, Dante.”

“Lo giuro,” I call out over my shoulder.




“Are you done for the day?” Mary spins away from the computer and leans back in her chair as I scroll through messages on my phone.

“I am with job number one.” I slip my cell back into my purse, and an unexpected smile works its way across my mouth. I’m actually really excited about my first day at Palestra. I couldn’t believe it when I’d gotten the call from HR yesterday. The whole process had only taken twenty-four hours. That had to have been a record of some sort. “Now I’m off to my second. I’m teaching my first yoga class today.”

“Oh, so exciting!” Mary claps her hands. “If I could ever afford a gym like that, I’d totally go support you.”

“Thanks, Mary, you’re the best.” I really lucked out meeting Maisy in the office. Otherwise, there was no way I would’ve gotten the gig. I swing my purse onto one shoulder and my backpack onto the other. “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck,” she calls out as I step into the waiting room.

The front door creaks open, and a familiar pair of blue eyes catch mine from across the space. My stomach sinks. Mark.

I dart across the room, weaving around him, and barrel through the door. My chest is heaving by the time the crisp fall air fills my lungs. A horn blares, and I spin around to a cab racing toward me. Shit! I sprint back onto the sidewalk and clap my hand over my heart. It launches itself at my ribcage, thundering out a rapid beat. Gawd, I just ran into the middle of the street for fuck’s sake!