Page 104 of Savage King

My phone pings, and I yank it out of my pocket just out of habit. It’s been going off non-stop for the past hour. I’ve declined every single one of Dante’s calls and ignored his texts. He must be losing his mind with worry, but right now I just don’t care.

Eventually, I’ll answer him. I just have no idea what I’ll say.

It’s not like I magically stopped loving him the moment Stella told me the truth, it’s just that I wish I could. I love him so damned much there isn’t much he could do that I wouldn’t forgive … but this? God, he’s torn my fucking heart out.

I finally focus on the text message from Maisy.

Maisy:Hey girl, I hope you’re doing well. I still have that package for you. I took it home because I didn’t want it to go missing at Palestra. Let me know if you want me to drop it off one of these days.

I stare unblinking at the blue bubble for a few more seconds before I click on the text and force my frozen finger to type a response.

Me:Are you home? I can come by and get it now.

Maisy:I am, that would be perfect!

Perfect for me too since I’ve run out of ideas. Maybe after a little chat with Maisy I’ll feel better. I dart across the street and continue my walk further west to Riverside Drive. Thank God I’m not far from Maisy’s Upper West Side brownstone.

By the time I reach her place, my fingers are so numb I barely feel it when I press the buzzer. She answers a few seconds later like she’s been waiting at the door.

“Hey, girl!” She pulls me into a hug, then holds me out to arm’s length and scrutinizes my poor choice of outerwear. “You must be freezing! Where’s your jacket?”

“I kind of left Dante’s in a hurry.” I shrug lamely.

“Well, come in, come in.” She hurries me in, shutting the cold out behind us. A tremor races over my frozen body as the warmth envelops me. She leads me to the cute sitting area in front of the crackling fireplace and immediately the chill that has set into my bones begins to dissipate. “I’ve got hot cocoa if you want.”

“Yes, that would be heaven.”

“Be right back.”

I curl onto the couch and rub my hands together to bring some feeling back to my frost-bitten fingers. I definitely should’ve put more thought into my escape plan. A few moments later, Maisy reappears with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate and a package tucked under her arm.

I jump up and help her with the cups, placing them on the colorful coasters on the coffee table, then she hands me the white box.

“I wonder what you got.” She eyes the package expectantly. Beneath the big red bow, a small envelope sticks out.

“When did you say this arrived?”

“Like a day after you disappeared with Dante.” Maisy throws me a mischievous wink. “I can’t wait to hear all about that.”

While I was at the beach house, I’d texted back and confessed I didn’t really have Covid and just needed a little getaway, but I didn’t spill many details. Now I just couldn’t.

I stare at the meticulous packaging, and the hair on the back of my neck rises. Something just feels off about it.

“So, are you going to open it or what?”

Drawing in a steadying breath, I reach for the little envelope.

“Open the present first, duh!” She steals the note, pinching it between her fingers.

I can’t muster the courage to tell her how wrong this all feels. So instead, I pull on the red bow and the box pops open.

A decaying yellow rose sits at the bottom along with a picture I immediately recognize, one I thought had burned down in the fire. It was in a frame on top of my dresser, a smiling image of me, Robbie and my parents. It was the summer before my innocence was stolen and our family was perfect.

Only now, my head has been removed, cut out of our perfect family portrait.

Maisy lets out a gasp as she takes in the creepy gift. But I’m just numb, staring at it like nothing.

“Oh my God, Rose! What is this?”