Page 111 of Savage King

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe there’s a reason for this impromptu trip?”

“You’re full of it, Dante Valentino. You’re whisking me away on this ‘vacation’ because of your psycho half-brother.” And the still-missing Dr. Mark or Jasper or whatever the hell his real name is. How the sneaky surgeon managed to give us the slip again is beyond me. It was probably because Dante was so preoccupied with getting me out of that shipping yard, he forgot about everything else.

It was actually Maisy who’d noticed he’d gone missing. I still can’t believe her husband Jasper is my Dr. Mark. It’s all so twisted and fucked up. Her ex had been living a lie for who knows how long while they were married. I feel horrible for her and have had her sleep over a few times this week. I hate the thought of her all along in that huge house.

A frown slashes across Dante’s lips, and I’m almost sorry to chase away his fun mood by mentioning his new brother. “I’ll never let Nico hurt you,” he grits out.

“I know.” Pushing all the other thoughts to the back of my mind, my arms lace around the back of his neck, and I pull his warm body flush against mine. “I don’t think Nico ever really intended to hurt me, if it makes you feel any better. I think he just wanted to prove that he could.”

He grunts, an exasperated sigh fleeing his clenched lips. “I don’t know that, and I won’t risk your life while we try to find out.”

“So, you’re just going to leave the throne of King Industries unmanned while you fly me away to God knows where?”

He presses his mouth to mine, a punishing, unforgiving kiss. Then he pulls away, leaving me all hot and bothered. “I’ve already told you, you are everything to me. I’ve held the throne, and I don’t want it. I’d choose you a hundred times over. I’d let the entire Kings’ empire burn to the ground if it meant keeping you safe. Do you understand that?”

I nod, a stupid grin flashing across my face. “So does that mean you’re going to change your tattoo?” I sneak my finger through his button-down shirt. “Instead of Vengeance Is King, I think it should say Rose Is My Queen.”

A wicked laugh rumbles his chest, vibrating against my own. Gawd, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of that sound. “Or better yet, Rose’s Pussy Is My Queen.”

My lips twist, and I shoot him a good eye roll. “You certainly have a vile mouth, Mr. Valentino.”

“All the better to pleasure you with, my queen.” His lips claim mine, tongue forcing its way between my teeth. He pulls back with a frustrated grunt, his cock already hard against me. “How about this? I’ll sweeten the deal….”

“Oh, yeah? How are you going to make a one-month vacation any sweeter?”

“I’ll take you to see Stella.” With Nico’s appearance, Dante convinced Luca to extend his own vacation with his fiancée indefinitely.

My smile grows wider, and my stupid heart expands along with it. “You will?”

His chin dips to his chest.

Seeing the two of them together would provide the closure I desperately need. Hearing my best friend say she forgives the man I love is one thing, but really getting to witness the two of them together would mean the world to me.

“Okay,” I whisper.

“Great. I’ll talk to Clara to make the necessary arrangements.” Seeing him smile like that does funny things to my heart. “And if you’re so adamant about the ring….”

Dante drops down on one knee, and I was wrong before. That funny little jig my heart was doing is nothing compared to the somersaults it’s now performing. Those midnight orbs lock on mine, and I’m hopelessly trapped in their dark embrace.

“Oh, my, gawd,” I rasp out.

“God had nothing to do with this, sweetheart, maybe the devil though.” He offers me a sinful smirk as he pulls the small turquoise box from his pocket. A white bow sits atop, and my itchy little fingers can barely wait.

“Marry me, sweetheart, or I’ll have to bend you over my lap and spank the yes out of you until that pretty pink ass matches the enticing crimson of your cheeks when you come on my cock.”

I suck in a breath at the vivid images his dirty words have conjured in my mind. Also, now I’m soaked just thinking about it. I’m half inclined to deny him just so he’ll carry out his threat. “Well, I can’t say it was the proposal all the girls dream about….” I shoot him a smirk as he takes my hand in his big ones.

“I warned you I was no hero, sweetheart, no knight in shining armor. I may not spout out pretty words or poetry, but I’ll love you the only way I know how, with all the fire in my dark soul. I’ll fuck you hard and often, and I’ll probably piss you off with my possessiveness even more, but I’ll protect you until my dying breath. You’ll be mine forever.”

All the air whooshes out of my lungs at those dark, tormented, and beautiful words. I drop down to the ground in front of him, and he finally flips open the box. A gigantic diamond is nestled in the teal cushion, an outer ring of baguettes around the top forming the shape of a crown.

“You are my queen, Rosa, you are my everything.”

Tears blur my vision, and I’m nodding like crazy, emotion clogging my throat, and I can’t even get the yes out.

“Now hurry up and say yes. If I must be on my knees, I’d prefer to have my face buried between your thighs.”

A laugh tumbles free, and I hold out my trembling hand. Dante slides the gorgeous ring on my finger, his warm hand enveloping mine. His eyes never deviate from my own, and I’m completely swallowed up in the dark abyss. I want to drown in it, in him. My chest is heaving, my heart rioting against my ribs.