I draw my tongue back into my mouth, and she releases a frustrated groan. “Last chance, sweetheart. It’s now or never.” Raising my hand, I drop it down, hard, the slap ricocheting over the symphony of our labored breaths.
I’m hard again, and so ready to take that perfectly pink ass.
“What do you say, sweetheart, have you had enough?”
Rose spins around, straddling me, her pupils blow out with lust and maybe, just maybe love. “I’ve had enough, D. Take me, I’m yours.” Her lips crash against mine, and a silly grin stretches so big across my face I can barely focus on kissing her.
“Finally,” I growl. “I can’t wait to fuck my fiancée.”
“Can’t we just go for a walk at least?” It’s been three days since I’ve been locked up in this damned apartment, and I’m about a second away from losing my mind. I stare out longingly onto the snow-covered trees of Central Park. I even miss the frigid temperatures right now.
Tony looks up from the crossword puzzle and tugs at the curly end of his newly grown-in mustache. He looks creepy as fuck if you ask me. “Sorry, Rose, you know I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” I whine.
“Because Dante will cut off my balls.”
I release an exasperated sigh because I know he’s not wrong. Then I stalk to the kitchen and refill my mug of coffee. It’s bad enough being stuck here when Dante’s with me, but when he’s out there doing God knows what, the boredom tangles with gut-wrenching fear.
He swears the situation is looking better with the Red Dragons, but he’s still out there hunting for Mark. The fact that my ex has been able to evade him for weeks just makes no sense. The doc might have been a psycho stalker, but he just wasn’t that good.
Then there are the Geminis, and no one has any idea what they’re up to….
As I march back into the living room my eyes fall on my tiny tree. It’s shed most of the few pine needles it had, its frail limbs are sagging, and the bright colorful bulbs are nearly hitting the floor. As much as I hate to admit it, it’s time to put the little guy out of its misery.
My phone squeals, and I jerk it out of my pocket, my heart doing a little dance when I see the number. “Stella?”
“Rose! Happy New Year, a few days late but still!”
I signal to Tony that I’m going to my, well, Dante’s room, and he goes back to work on his crossword puzzle. He must be even more bored than I am. At least this is my home and I have some of my creature comforts here.
“So, how have you been?” I ask as my steps quicken down the hall. Dante and I had a big talk the other night and with the possibility of Luca and Stella returning sooner rather than later we decided it was time to come clean about our relationship.
“I’m great, Luca’s great, it’s been amazing having this time together. But I really do miss home.”
“I’m sure you do. I bet you’ve been fucking like bunnies.” A wicked cackle bursts free. “Are you pregnant yet?” My heart lets out a weird flutter as my mouth closes around the word.
“No way. I told you, we have to get married first and with all the stuff going on, who knows when that’ll be?” Stella always wanted a big, fancy wedding, and I’m sure Luca will give her exactly that. But she’s right, it’ll take an entire year of planning.
I stare at my bare ring finger. It’s been three days since Dante proposed, or rather forced me into saying yes. That’s a complete lie and we all know it, so I decide never to mention that little tidbit to my friend. Proposal under duress isn’t the most romantic to normal people.
“Tell me about you! Luca said you’restillstaying with Dante?”
“Um, yeah, there were some recent developments in that area.”
“What does that mean?” she squeals, a hint of irritation in her tone.
“There’s a lot I need to catch you up on, Stel, but I’m not sure over the phone is the best way. Some shit went down, and I didn’t want to worry you, but Dante’s really been here for me.”
“What happened? Is that stalker creep back?”
Again, I debate going into the gory details. No need to worry my best friend more than necessary. We’d been texting on and off since she left, but I’d kept all the bad stuff to myself.