We’ve all been working on this party for weeks, and I can’t believe everything is finally coming together for the big event tomorrow. José Luis practiced a dozen different cocktail recipes until we settled on our favorites, Zoe handled the food and special events liquor license, Mrs. Kaminski took charge of furniture arrangements and decorations, and Jacob pretty much did whatever I told him to do, including Ubering all over the city to pick up supplies and putting together a killer playlist to pipe through the café’s speakers.
“How’s it going with the desserts, Sadie?” Jacob asks, his gaze skimming over my chef’s coat.
Suddenly, I remember that the ingredients for hundreds of mini pastries are covering the prep tables in back. “Oh my God. I have so much to do. I have to go.” I spin on my heel and run for the kitchen where thankfully, I’m in time to pull two dozen gluten-free almond cookies out of the oven.
I fly around the kitchen setting the mixer to whip egg whites into stiff peaks and stirring choux pastry dough in a pan on the stove. I’m just starting to spread icing on an endless row of miniature dark chocolate cakes when someone slips through the door behind me. Immersed in my multitude of tasks, I only vaguely register that the person is at the sink washing their hands. I don’t have even a second to look up and see who it is until suddenly, a strong male hand gently reaches over and slides the icing spatula from my grasp. Startled, I spin around to find myself staring up into Jacob’s dark chocolate eyes, only inches from mine. I blush brighter than a red velvet cake.
“I’ll ice them, you decorate,” he says. “Does that sound okay?”
I nod, and the next thing I know, Jacob has swiped my trayof mini cakes along with my bowl of icing. “Zoe told me you’re in a time crunch because you have to do some work for your boss tomorrow morning.” He gracefully smooths chocolate buttercream over each delicate cake top, surprisingly good at this. I guess those piano-playing hands are pretty skilled with instruments of the nonmusical variety.
But let’s be honest. I already knew that.
I busy myself with filling a pastry bag full of vanilla cream and not staring at his forearms. “Yeah. It looks like it’s going to be an all-nighter for me.”
“Not if there are two of us tackling it.” Jacob glances up from the cupcakes and lowers the spatula to the table. “If you want my help, that is.” His face flashes with uncertainty, and I realize this is the first time we’ve been alone together since that kiss in my apartment.
These past few weeks, Jacob and I have been too immersed in party planning to act weird about that night, and we seem to have come to an unspoken agreement to pretend nothing happened between us. But it’s one thing to hang out with the group in the café while making lists about party supplies and talking about streaming my brother’s favorite bands. It’s entirely another to spend a whole day covered in sugar and cocoa powder while enclosed in a hot kitchen together.
Just thinking about it makes me want to wriggle out of this chef’s coat to cool down.
But Jacob doesn’t feel that way about me, I remind myself. So, instead, I say, “That’s really nice, Jacob. Thank you.”
Jacob shrugs it off. “I admire how hard you’re working to make this Higher Grounds venture a success.” He gives mea crooked smile. “But to be honest, I’m really just sucking up in the hopes that you’ll let me cut in the long lines when you open your own bakery.”
I laugh, and despite our messy interlude in my apartment, I’m reminded of how far Jacob and I have come this past year. It’s almost unimaginable that he was around for most of my life, and I barely knew him. I certainly didn’t appreciate him the way I should have. This friendship with Jacob is a second chance I’m truly grateful for. “You know you’ll always be welcome in my bakery.”
He flashes me a grin across the table, and with a flourish, gives the last cake on his tray a swipe of chocolate buttercream. “Now that these are done, what would you like me to do next? I’m at your service. There’s just one thing I ask.” He has a smear of chocolate on his cheek. It’s killingme not to reach over and gently wipe it off.
Instead, I twist the pastry bag in my hands. “What is it?”
He laughs. “Please go easier on me than Mrs. Kaminski.”
Chapter 26
It’s the evening of Owen’s birthday party, and Jacob and I are finally done with all the baking. So. Much. Baking. I’m coated in a fine layer of flour and powdered sugar that’s going to take weeks to wash off. But it was more fun than I expected. And, thanks to Jacob’s help, not only did I get everything done for Owen’s party, but Xavier is serving up some beautiful cream puffs as we speak. I survey Mrs. Kaminski’s decorations, José Luis’s bar setup, and my pastry table. The café looks amazing, the pastries are delicious, and I’m really proud of us for pulling it off. We finish the last-minute details—lighting candles, polishing cocktail glasses—and the guests begin to filter in. I make the rounds greeting people, and when anyone compliments me on the great space I picked for the party, I hand them one of the business cards that José Luis designed for Zoe.
My brother arrives, and everyone yells “Surprise!” even though the party technically isn’t one. I told him a time and place, but we didn’t share the guest list or any of the details. So Owen does look genuinely stunned when he sees the crowd of people who came to celebrate him and notices the beautiful spread of cocktails and desserts.
Across the room, Jacob and I exchange a smile, and awarmth spreads through me. My brother really is lucky to have a friend who cares about him like family.
Owen wades through the crowd to come over and give me a hug. “Thanks, Sadie. I can’t believe you did all this for me.”
“It was a group effort,” I tell him, glancing across the café to look for Jacob, who seems to have been sucked into the crowd now. “All of my café friends helped, and Jacob’s around here somewhere, too.”
Owen hitches his chin at someone behind me. “He’s over there with Paige.”
I turn around to find Jacob and Paige huddled by the dessert table. She samples a macaron and leans into Jacob as if it’s so delicious, she might fall over. He laughs and takes her arm to catch her. I should have realized Paige would be here. She and Jacob seem pretty cozy, and from the looks of things, I guess they’ve been hanging out after all. Maybe she’s the real reason he backed off from me.
I look away. “Come on, I want you to meet some people.” I pull Owen to the table where José Luis is mixing cocktails. “José Luis, this is Owen.”
José Luis’s eyes light up. “Owen! We’ve heard so much about you.” He leans across the bar to wrap Owen in an embrace, and Owen hugs him back like they’re long-lost friends.
“Thanks for helping Sadie throw this party. It really means a lot.” Owen takes the orange rooibos old-fashioned José Luis offers him.
“We’d do anything for Sadie the Cat Lady,” José Luis confides, giving me a wink.
Owen looks between José Luis and me. “So, I’ve been wondering how Sadie ended up with that nickname—”