Page 83 of Candy Canes

My eyes skim the list and take in phrases like ‘hard and soft limits’ and ‘roles and expectations’, ‘safewords’, ’rituals’ and then – to my horror – ‘agreed upon punishments’.

I snap the folder closed and wonder what the hell I’ve gotten myself into.

A hand comes to rest on the back of my neck, and I look up into Wint’s smiling face. “Hey, it’s okay,” he says, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles. “This is your chance to set your limits and explore what you’re into. We’re going to take you on a more…in depth tour of the club and show youourplay areas. There are so many different things you can do.”

Wint leans in and whispers in my ear. “The contract just helps us all get on the same page, so to speak. So you can feel safe and secure knowing what we’re all into, and what you’re into.”

“What y-you’re all into?”

He nods. “It’s why the docket is so thick. I included all of our paperwork in there. Not because we expect anything, but say, if you were interested in wax play, Frost is better trained to guide you in that area than Dash is. We all have our roles in the club,but we have our own interests and specialities too. We can match you up accordingly, based on what you want to try.”

I feel the heat of his breath on my neck and my whole body shudders at his words. I stare at the table top, twisting my fingers together in my lap, unable to make eye contact with any of them.


“Okay,” he repeats, his voice firm and commanding. “I want you to take some time going through this today, filling out every section. If there’s anything you don’t understand, you ask one of us and we’ll explain. Understood?”

I nod, but I know that I’d rather die than ask these experienced men any of my many many questions. Like what the fuck is wax play? Surely I can google this shit?

“Ask an expert,” Don growls, as if reading my thoughts. “Any moron can put incorrect, and frankly dangerous, information out there on the internet, so promise us Sugar, that you’ll come to one of us with your questions.”

I nod again, still struggling to formulate words.

“We’re gonna work on that talking thing too,” Don promises darkly, making me shiver.

He must have thought I was so…inexperienced the other night. Did he laugh about it with his friends? Maybe that’s why Frost kept calling me green. He’s right though, at the club I’m a fish out of water, I don’t belong.

But maybe I’dliketo.

As the men rise from the table, I stand up with them, feeling a little unsteady on my feet. Wint catches me by the elbow and steadies me.

“Easy there, Candy,” he says, his voice low and soothing. “Take your time going through the contract. We’ll be here when you’re done.”

I nod, feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole situation. The idea of exploring my sexuality in such a public way is both exhilarating and terrifying.


It doesn’t feel strange, waking up knowing that there’s a woman in the house. It’s not weird when she walks into the breakfast room in Dash’s sweats. It’s not even odd when we all exit the house, leaving her safely tucked up inside.

No, what’s bizarre is how much I like her being there. She seems to fit right in, filling a void in our home that I didn’t even know was there.

I warned Wint off her, but seeing her in Dash’s clothes didn’t fill me with jealousy. It just seemed right. And not just for practicality reasons because he’s the closest in size to her, but because at the breakfast table she felt like all of ours.

I suspect many would think sharing is normal for us. We’ve been through so much together, from our time in Special Ops, to leaving together and setting up the business, and even living under one roof.

But we’ve never shared a woman before. In fact, I don’t think any of us has ever had a girlfriend serious enough to bring around and introduce to the others. It’s why we all have our own flats. For hookups or when we need space or whatever. But our home is our sanctuary and we’ve never let a woman breach it before. Until her. Candy.

She just seems to fit, like she belongs here with us.

I couldn’t help but stare at Candy over breakfast, as she sat across from me at the table. She has the most amazing curves, sure, and her eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint that made my heart race whenever she laughed at Dash’s jokes. But it was the way she stole glances at each one of us, that made me wonder what she was thinking. Is she considering all of us? Or just one of us? I know Dash offered to show her the club and she agreed, and that North obviously gave her a physical punishment of some sort the other day. But is there more to it than that?

The idea of Candy being mine, or her being all of ours, is strangely appealing. Which is why I’m prepared to go to any lengths necessary to protect her.

Starting with her friend’s flat. Once Candy was in bed last night, I went back to the posh flat and started cleaning off the mess. Fuckers who did the damage knew exactly what they were doing though – the red paint’s a bitch to remove and I can’t risk it bleeding through if I simply paint over the top. Nevertheless, I didn’t let it get the better of me, and once I was. Satisfied with the job, I turned my attention to Candy’s flat.

I spent the rest of the night there, cleaning and assessing the damage. The place is a fucking dump, and I don’t think that’s entirely down to the vandalism. She doesn’t even have an oven for Christ’s sake! Which explains why she’s staying with her friend, but doesn’t tell me where all her stuff went in the first place.

I have a couple of friends who can help tidy the place up, and I’m more than willing to foot the cost to replace everything she needs, but it’ll have to wait. Because I’m needed at the warehouse.