Page 73 of Candy Canes

He’s not turned on, he’s turned crazy.

“I’m not a whore,” I say, struggling to get the words out past his hand, but not struggling in the slightest to get free. What would be the point? He’s so much bigger and stronger than me, and I’m saving my energy toreallyfight if it comes to that.

“You will be,” he repeats, smacking my cheek.

“No. No, I won’t. Let me go. Aiden, please—”

“Shut up.” He hits me again, and this time it hurts.

“Okay, okay,” I say, trying to placate him. “I’ll be whatever you want.”

“You’re not listening, Gracie. This is already what I want.”

His hand is in my hair, yanking me up off the bed with him.

“What are you doing?” I ask, the panic rising as I realise what he’s doing.

“Just shut up.”

His grip on my hair tightens as he fumbles with his fly.

“Please. No.” I can’t help the pleading note in my voice. I tremble. I’m helpless and he knows it.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

His breath is hot in my ear. I can smell the alcohol on him. It even overpowers his cologne.

“What lesson?” I whisper.

“That no one fucks with me.”

His breath is humid on my neck. He licks a trail along my collarbone and up my neck, sucking on my earlobe before whispering in my ear again.

“That’s it, Gracie. Take it like a good whore.”

I can’t answer. I’m frozen in place.

“Gracie?” he breathes into my ear again. Then he’s kissing me.

I want to pull away but I can’t. I don’t kiss him back. I don’t encourage him in any way. But I do nothing to anger him either.

And his kiss is so familiar that for a tiny moment I’m transported back in time to when life was a little less shit, and little less hard, and I actually had hope.

Then his fingers force their way between the juncture of my thighs and I’m breaking the kiss with a gasp of pain and tears are welling in my eyes for what we once were and can never be again.

How am I going to hide this from Elle?

“Gracie, you’re starting to piss me off,” Aiden snaps.

“I don’t want to,” I tell him. “But can we not do this? Not here. I work here and I don’t want to get into trouble…” I’m thinking fast to find a way out of this situation. Maybe if he follows me back to Elle’s house he’ll come around and back off.That’s a horrible idea. At Elle’s I’ll be alone.

Aiden scoffs. “It’s a sex club, Gracie, and you’re one of its whores. You’re more likely to get in trouble fornotsleeping with me. The customer is always right and all that, so don’t piss me off.”

“Actually, mate,” a new voice interrupts, sending my heart into my throat. I try to peer over Aiden’s shoulder to see who my saviour is, but he’s too tall and I’m too panicked to be able to discern who the voice belongs to. “The customer is not always right. Especially not when the customer is a rapist cunt who doesn’t understand the term ‘no’. Now take your fucking hands off her before I cut them off and fuck your ass with them.”

“What the fuck?” Aiden says, pulling back to stare at the newcomer, anger turning to confusion on his face. “Gracie?” Heyanks me by the hair again and I wince. A whimper of pain slips from my lips.

A second later the grip on my hair is released as Don punches Aiden and knocks him clean out, his body crashing to the floor like a heavy sack of shit.