Page 65 of Candy Canes

“And after?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you want me to do after?”



“But what, Candy?”

“But, I’ve caused trouble for you all, for the business. Surely you want me to leave.”

“Absolutely not.”


“Why would we ask you to leave? It’s not your fault that a piece of shit got past our security checks. We should be thanking you.”

“Oh…so I’m not…fired then?”

“No Candy. That’s crazy. We don’t punish the victims.”

“What will happen to him?”

“He’ll be taken care of,” Wint mutters darkly, making me shiver. “And the team will be getting to the bottom of why they missed his true identity, and going over the files for every member we have at both clubs with a fine tooth comb.”

Does he know what’s in my file? Surely he would never have hired me if he did. Elle and her family paid a lot of money for my background to disappear from public record, but was it enough?

“Are you ready?” Frost asks, carefully studying my face for my response.”

“No. But I want this over with, so let’s do it.”

The two guys nod, looking grimly pleased with my statement, and together we exit the bathroom, traipse through the bar and return to the VIP corridor. At the bottom of the staircase Wint passes me the bottle of expensive whiskey the VIP guest had demanded, and Frost holds back the velvet rope for me to pass.

“You’ve got this Bambi,” he tells me with whispered confidence. “You can do this. Let’s send that son of a bitch back to wherever he came from.”

I nod, but it’s a jerky, nervous movement, as I force my feet to move one at a time up the stairs. They seem never ending, and at the same time, over all too soon. At the top, I take a deep breath, knock once on the door, and push my way inside.


Jesus Christ in the manger, I knew that girl was going to be trouble from the minute I laid eyes on her.

Hell, before that even.

As soon as Wint breezed into the bar and casually told me that he’d hired a new recruit without running it past any of the rest of us, I knew she’d cast some sort of spell over him. And seeing her, with her pale skin and big blue eyes, pouty lips and innocent, docile demeanour, I knew it wouldn’t be long before the others succumbed to her too.

I’ve tried to keep my distance, wary of the danger that she poses to our group, even tried to get her to quit by being an asshole to her, making it clear that she doesn’t belong in this world with us…but somehow I’ve found myself drawn to her too.

There’s something about the way she moves, fluid and graceful despite being a disaster in heels, that made me want to watch her for hours on end. The way she looks at our world with innocent eyes that are full of curiosity and zero judgement, made me realise thatI’mthe one who misjudgedher.

And her voice... it’s like honey, sweet and intoxicating. It makes my heart race every time she speaks. Whenever I’m foolish enough to get too close to her, her scent intoxicates me.Jasmine and rose flowers mixed with Peru balsam, giving her that perfect mix of sweetness and an exotic, spiced caramelised sugar.

We’re all fucking done for.

Especially now that I know that she’s damaged. Knowing that she’s in pain, that she’s suffered, makes me hate myself for the fact that I’ve been giving her such a hard time. And yet I can’t bring myself to truly regret it, because she’s still bad news for my brothers and I. She’s got me tied up in knots, torn between doing what’s right for all of us and doing what I want.

Watching her fly down those stairs and barrel right into my chest without even seeing me changed something in me. I wrapped my arms around her without hesitating and tried to get her breathing normally again.