Page 111 of Candy Canes

“And choose and set up whichever room you think will work best for tonight. Push her out of her comfort zone. She needs a little taster of what’s to come if she’s going to be in the dungeon tomorrow night.”

“Absolutely,” he replies with a wicked smile. I know I can trust him to deliver and prepare her for the brutality of the dungeons that’s to come. “I have an idea to get her warmed up too, if you have no objections?”

“I trust you. Don, what’s on your planner for the next few days after the main event?”

“Still tracing down that rapist piece of shit. He’s disappeared but he won’t stay hidden for long. Otherwise, just the usual and making sure everything ticks over smoothly.”

“Fine. If that’s all then,” I say, getting to my feet.

“There is one thing,” Don says, clearing his throat. “I fixed up the friend’s flat. It was only a bit of paint on the door. Candy’splace took a lot more work, but there’s more going on. The place wasn’t just vandalised, it was ransacked, and there were several eviction notices posted through her letter box. I want to speak to the landlord and find out what happened, but I think in light of Royce disappearing and that Aiden scum threatening her, she should continue to stay here for a while if there’s no objections. Especially with the friend out of town for the holidays.”

“None of us object,” Wint says, leaning forward. None of my brothers contradict him, so it looks like I’d be outnumbered if I did voice my concerns.

“Fine. She’s not moving out,” I repeat firmly, even as my heart sinks. How will I resist her? “We can reassess the situation in the new year.Earlyin the new year.”

“Excellent,” Wint says, sitting back and folding his arms across his chest.

He looks pleased and satisfied with himself. I’m not so sure I should trust his motives. But then again, given what I just did upstairs with her, I’m not sure I can trust mine either.


I’m just finishing getting dressed when there’s a knock on my bedroom door.

“Come in,” I call, my heart already starting to pick up, wondering who it might be. Wint’s usually serious, but currently smiling face appears around the door and I smile back at him. “Hi.”

Truth be told, I’m a little shy around Wint. He’s probably the guy I’ve had the least interaction with after this morning with North, and he’s got an aloof, untouchable air to him that makes me nervous.

“Do you have plans today?” he asks me politely.

“Just work later. Why, do you need me to help with something?” It’s impossible not to notice that the guys don’t have any Christmas decorations up. Not even a tree. It baffles me. They run a Christmas themed sex club but don’t seem to like Christmas? That’s weird.

Maybe they leave it until the last minute and Wint wants me to help him decorate the tree today. I’d be more than willing to do that. I give him a wide smile and he laughs.

“Are you liking work?” he asks instead.


He raises a brow and I chuckle. “It’s better than I was expecting. I’m very grateful for the opportunity you gave me.”

“You don’t have to thank me. You’ve helped us out of a bind a couple of times now, I feel like I should be thanking you.”

I look around the beautiful room they’ve put me up in. “You’ve done more than enough for me. What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you’d like to come shopping with me?”

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, chewing while considering. I’d love to spend some time with Wint. I get the impression he’s not at the club much, or if he is, he mostly stays behind the scenes, so I’m not sure how else to get to know him. This could be the perfect opportunity. “Oh that reminds me, I have your wages too. I mean, obviously your main salary has been paid directly into your bank but I have your share of the tips and the extra for the VIP suite here in cash, and I thought you might need to pay it in before the banks close.”

“Thank you. Yes please, I’d love to go out with you today.” My face heats when I realise my words make it sound like I’m accepting a date, and that is not what he was offering me at all. “I should probably get you guys something for—”

“Absolutely not,” he interrupts me, before adding, “We don’t do gifts.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t think that you might not celebrate Christmas, because of the club and the theme, but of course, that’s just work.”

“We do celebrate Christmas, but we don’t buy each other gifts. There’s nothing we need. We prefer experiences.” Wint winks and my cheeks heat a little more.

“Okay. Do you guys put a tree up?”

“We don’t normally bother. We’re always at the club or sleeping.”