Page 11 of Candy Canes

“Why do you need the job so badly?”


There’s something so achingly, chillingly familiar about her, but I just can’t place where I might know her from. It’s clear we don’t run in the same circles, but there’s a niggling … something stirring me into action. The moment I heard her voice on the phone I felt it, and I knew I had to see her. This woman is a stranger to me, but somehow my soul knowshers.

Of that, I’m certain.

She blanches at my use of the word need, rather than asking her why she’d like the job, but let’s not kid ourselves here, with Christmas a mere week away, only the desperate are traipsing the streets on a cold, wet evening, phoning any lead they can sniff out. She’s dressed for interviews but she doesn’t even have a coat. And the clothes, though clearly expensive, don’t quite fit. Borrowed, I’d say. Because if you were going to drop that kind of money on made-to-measure tailoring, you’d at least have it made to fit.


I watch as the tiny blonde bombshell in front of me hesitates.

She’s an open book, every emotion playing out on her face. Like now, there’s shame in her eyes. Embarrassment. But also fear. She’s terrified about what will happen if she doesn’t get ajob. It’s not my usual modus operandi to give a shit, but her expression tugs at something within me.

She definitely has me intrigued. Why the change of name? Why the need for a job? Why willing to risk everything to come out here? Oh yes, she has me interested alright.

I shake my head. It’ll never work. She’s far too innocent-looking to survive the holiday season in our establishment.

Although the punters would love that. So would the boss, my business partner and best friend, North. She’srightup his alley. Tiny, slim, but with wicked curves, huge innocent blue eyes and blow job lips. She has a doll-like image that he’d love to break. Not to mention the mass of short blonde corkscrew curls. I can just see him wrapping them around his fist in his dungeon.

Hell, as I readjust my stirring cock, I have to admit that even I’m interested in her, and I’ve not been interested in anyone for months. She’s damn cute, but sexy too – and best of all, she seems completely oblivious to it.

“I’ve had happen that were out of my control and I really need to find some work soon.”

“Hence the phone call, allowing yourself to be driven out to the middle of nowhere, and having dinner in the home of a total stranger?” I smirk a little to show I’m teasing and not really judging her. Hell, I know what it’s like to be hungry with bills to pay. Trying to juggle and balance and prioritise sucks. I figured anyone that desperate would appreciate a decent meal and she didn’t disappoint. While her manners were impeccable, she practically inhaled every morsel on the plate. It makes me glad I cooked tonight on a whim. I wouldn’t normally bother.

I wouldn’t normally interview at my home either. Or entertain hiring someone I know nothing about.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

There was something in her small questioning voice that made me pause on the phone, and now looking at her, I’m glad I did.

“My roommate knows where I am,” she squeaks nervously, as if I just threatened her or some shit.

“I’m sure he or she does,” I chuckle. Like I give a fuck. I’m not going to hurt her, and even if I did, I have enough money now to make everyone – including the roommate – turn a blind eye.


Interesting. Lives with a female roommate, rather than a partner.

“Is your...boyfriend okay with you hopping in a cab to interview with an unknown employer late in the evening?” I ask, teasing slightly to see how she’ll react. If possible she turns even paler. I half expect to hear her gulp, but she disappoints me by hiding behind her drink and taking a tiny, controlled sip. I don’t miss the way her fingers tremble though. Interesting. She’s a whole bag of tells, and I could watch her unwittingly reveal all of her secrets all night.

“No boyfriend to care. Please, could you tell me what the job entails?”

I could, but I think she’d run away screaming, and I’m not quite ready to let her walk away just yet. Instead, I reach for the pen and pad of paper that always sits on the coffee table, and scribble down an obnoxious sum of money. I slide it towards her, and as she reaches out to take it her fingers brush mine. A spark ignites where her skin touches mine, and she startles. I release the paper and withdraw my hand, shocked that she felt whatever that was too, and I watch her closely as she looks at the number scrawled there. A single bead of sweat slides down her left temple; it’s the only reaction she gives to my overly generous offer.

She opens her mouth to speak, but no sound comes out. Then she swallows and tries again. “Is this...per month?”

“Per shift.” I sit back on the couch, crossing my right ankle up onto my left knee and watching her carefully. There’s that delectable gulp bobbing down her long slender neck that I longed to see. Delicious. I’d love to trace her lines and curves with my tongue. “But we pay weekly.”

“I see.” She fails to hide her disappointment at that news. Shereallyneeds money, and fast. “And what exactly must one do to earn that kind of money in a...night?”

I nod to confirm that she’ll be working nights if she takes the job. Long nights and lots of them. She’ll be in high demand once she starts, but for now I think she’s too skittish. If she knew the truth, she’d bolt. Better to mislead her a little now and ease her in gently. There’s no way once North sees her that he’ll let her go anyway.

“Yes. It would be night shifts. Our...establishment runs from seven to seven, and our staff need to be on hand for the entire shift to serve. The clientele are picky. They don’t like to see staff changeovers during their visits, and we have many customers who return a few times a week and like to see the same friendly face.”

She frowns at me, biting the inside corner of her lip. I can see she has burning questions, but will she be brave enough to voice them?