Page 92 of Candy Canes

I’m just wiping down the hob and table when Candy returns. My breath catches in my throat. She’s even more gorgeous than before, wearing black leggings with the sky high stilettos from last night, and a matching fitted cross-back crop top that barely covers her tits.

“You look stunning,” I tell her honestly. My eyes are drinking her in, but my mind is lingering on the memory of her skin beneath my fingers. My cock twitches in response and I’m grateful for the counter between us.

She grins at me, giving me a wink. “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“Are you ready to go?” I ask her, clearing my throat.

“Definitely,” she replies, clearly gratified by the way I’m looking at her.

I usher her towards the door with my hand on the small of her back, the action reminiscent of when she interviewed here with me. Was it only a few short days ago? It feels like an age,like she’s been around so much longer, and yet at the same time, I feel like it’s been no time at all and I want more.

It doesn’t take too long to get to the club, and Don is already at the open door when she approaches beside me.

He gives her an appreciative once over, his eyes blazing with lust and knowledge. He obviously made the time to read over her questionnaire. Good.

“Fuck, you look amazing,” he rasps out, his eyes never leaving her.

Candy blushes and wrings her hands. I’ve never seen her looking so unsure of herself and it fucking turns me on.

“You’re okay, right?” I ask her.

“Yes,” she replies, smiling up at me, her eyes sparkling.

I nod at Don, who takes the lead to usher her inside. “Vixen is ready for you. I’ll see you inside. Remember what I said, just relax and have fun.”

“Okay, sure,” Candy replies, almost nervously.

As I watch them disappear into the corridor, a sense of urgency and determination fills me. I’m about to follow them when my phone rings. It’s John, my best investigator, so I step back outside into the car park to take his call.

“Hey, boss,” John says briskly, his tone laced with a sense of urgency. He’s leaning against his car, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Found something. Several somethings actually.”

I lean in closer to the phone, my curiosity piqued. “Go on,” I reply, my voice laced with anticipation.

“That Aiden fellow you asked me to look into,” John begins, his voice lowering slightly, “He checks out. He’s the brother of the girl you asked me to look into. Married. A whole heap of kids. Been a member with you for a few months now but doesn’t seem to visit often. Last night was his first time at Candy Canes.” I let out an exasperated sigh because this is information I already had.

“Seems your girl, Candy, used to live with him and his family, briefly,” John continues. His eyes narrow as he relays the details. “And they dated.”

My eyes widen in surprise, and I raise my brows. “What?”

John nods emphatically on the other end of the line. “You heard me. Couldn’t find anything definitive, but I spoke to someone in their hometown who was in the same school year as him and remembered them dating. Thought it was weird because this Candy chick showed up out of nowhere, moved in with them, started at their school, the works. All pretty much overnight.”

The gravity of the situation weighs on me, and I ask, “Why, though?”

John’s voice takes on a more serious tone. “Yet to discover, sir.”

“Where was she before?” I press.

“In a foster home,” John explains, his gestures indicating a sense of confinement. “After losing both her parents and having no next of kin or family to take her in. But there’s a dark period between leaving there and turning up again.”

“Why the hell wasn’t any of this in her original file?”

“Someone paid a lot of money to change it, I’d say.”

“But who? She’s clearly not able to.”

“My guess would be this family. They’re loaded enough.”

“Fine. Find out why they’d do that. And also look into where she went and why,” I demand.