Page 61 of Candy Canes

I planted a fake smile on my face. “Of course! Why?”

“Your voice has gone all funny.”

“I’m fine. I’m going to acquaint myself with the bar before the others arrive.”

I step away from the cage, shooting it a nervous glance and shaking away images of me in the slave girl outfit locked in the cage, swinging back and forth before my bosses, teasing them with glances of my bare pussy.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yep!” I practically shriek, an octave too high.

To avoid any more awkwardness, I dive behind the bar and start busying myself with finding everything. I don’t want to make a fool of myself tonight. Well, not in front of the VIPs. It’s too late for that where my bosses are concerned.

Holy crap I slept with one of my bosses, and I’m crushing on several others.

I have to banish that thought. I can’t go there.

“They’re on their way,” Don says quietly from the far end of the room. “Can you put a whisky glass with ice in it on each golden table please?”

I nod and hurry to do as he’s asked.

A moment after I finish, low music begins to play in the background and my palms become slick with sweat. I wipe them on my dress as the lights go down slightly, and the gilded cage becomes bathed in soft golden light. I eye it nervously. I wish the bar needed ice or restocking or something, anything to keep me busy really, but of course everything is perfect and ready for the VIPs already.

The door opens and Dash walks in, his eyes flicking straight to me and then away. He nods to Don and takes his seat in the chair facing the cage.

Behind him is a well suited man, tall, dark, handsome, but his eyes are cold and expressionless.

“Hi, I’m your w—”

He holds up a hand to cut me off. “Don’t speak unless spoken to. Go wait in the cage.”

My jaw drops and I shoot a look at Don. The subtle nod of his head takes me aback. Wordlessly I cross over to the cage, open the door and step inside, closing the delicate catch behind me. And then I wait.


She looks fucking stunning in the cage. From my position in the shadows, I can’t take my eyes off her. I know, thanks to the lighting in this room, that she can’t see me all that well from her perch, and I use it to my advantage to study her.

I’m not the only one watching her. The VIP is feigning indifference but his eyes keep flicking to her when he thinks no-one is looking. Dash too, but he’s a lot more subtle about it.

I can tell that she’s aware of their presence, even if she can’t see them checking her out. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other whilst trying not to fidget too much.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and the rest of the players they’ve been waiting on stride into the room. I watch as each of them takes their seats and look them over carefully. Nothing seems amiss, though one does look over at Candy in the cage, his gaze a little too predatory to make me feel comfortable. He’s not overly tall or muscular, but dressed in a black suit that screams money and power. His eyes settle on the cage once more , and a dark smirk spreads across his lips.

I sense trouble brewing.

As introductions are made, I keep my eyes fixed on the man in the suit. He’s playing it cool, but I can tell he’s got somethingup his sleeve. I hate the way he keeps looking over at the cage and licking his lips. His gaze is slimy, and I’m sure she must feel it even as she keeps her own eyes downcast.

I’ve seen this before, too many times. Men with money and power thinking they can do whatever they want to women, treating them like objects to be bought and sold.

I’ve had enough. Without hesitation, I step forward a little out of the shadows and clear my throat. The man in the suit looks up at me, surprise etched on his face. I don’t say anything, just stare him down with a cold fury. The VIP clicks his fingers and Candy startles, before realising that’s her cue to go to him.

Another fucking dickhead. I grind my teeth and continue to eyeball the sleazy fuck as Candy releases herself from the cage.

For a moment, I think he might challenge me, but then he gives up and looks away, turning his attention back to his actual opponents for the night. Good. He needs to keep his fucking eyes off what’s mine, or I’ll remove them for him.

Folding my arms across my chest, I harden my gaze and my stance. It’s going to be a long fucking night.