Page 59 of Candy Canes

She blushes furiously, and I kind of feel bad for embarrassing her, but she does look mighty pretty when she’s flushed.

“Don’s right. Sorry for not being clearer. We need someone to serve drinks in their room tonight.”

“Why can’t Frost do it?” she asks, making me laugh again. This time Frost scowls at me.

“Because I don’t have a mediocre pair of tits,” he sneers.

“And yet, you’re a cunt anyway,” Candy snaps back before gasping and slamming a hand over her mouth.

Frost’s grin is triumphant. “See, I told you she’s a fucking liability. You want her to talk to the investors like that?”

“Investors?” Candy asks.

Wint leans forward, his gaze cool and assessing. “Yes, Candy. Tonight’s VIP is one of the club’s investors and we really want to keep him happy.”

“He’ll never invest in a secondary location if our fate is in her clumsy hands,” Frost mutters.

“You’re opening another club?” Curiosity is written all over her face.

“We’re hoping to. But we really need his seal of approval and his backing.”

“And all you need me to do is waitress?”

“Yes.” Wint nods. “Just for tonight. You won’t be alone. Don will be in the room overseeing the game, and Dash is playing too, though it would be best if you pretended like you don’t know him.”

“I don’t know him. He’s seen my tits but that’s it.” She blushes when she realises what she’s just said and Dash’s cheeks heat as he avoids everyone’s curious gazes.

“Can’t one of the other girls do this? Vixen maybe?” Candy asks hopefully.

North shakes his head. “Everyone’s roles for tonight are already assigned. We can’t change things up at this short notice without letting other people down. This investor is important to us, but so is keeping our members satisfied.”

Candy rolls her bottom lip between her teeth. I can see that she wants to help us out, but at the same time, she’s really nervous to do this.

“What about Frost and the main bar, won’t you guys be busy?”

“Because how ever did I manage before Little Miss Saves The Day turned up,” Frost spits. “This is ridiculous. She can’t do it. She’s a fucking liability at best, and most likely a law suit waiting to happen.”

I frown for a second, wondering if he’s pushed things too far. We all have our talents and roles within the club, and Frost’s is definitely pushing people out of their comfort zone. He’s great at reading people, and knowing how to coax – or push – them past their limits, and he obviously recognises that there’s something in Candy that can’t back down from a challenge.

Still though, it wouldn’t surprise me if she whipped her shoe off and tossed it at him.

Instead, she sits up straight, squares her shoulders, raises her chin and declares, “I’ll do it.”

“Excellent,” North replies, trying to hide his relief. “You’ll be paid double for tonight and you’ll be given cash in hand when your shift ends. You’ll probably also do well in tips. Just, keep them happy and, so long as it pertains to their drinks, do whatever they ask. The two drink rule doesn’t apply to anyone in the room either by the way.”

“Okay. When do I start?” Candy asks, getting to her feet and smoothing the hem of her dress down her creamy thighs. I’m not the only guy in the room who tracks her movements.

“As soon as possible,” North replies. “I’d like the room set up and everyone in place before he arrives.”

Candy nods. “What am I wearing tonight?”

North’s gaze flicks to Wint’s, who nods.

“I had put something in your locker, but what you’ve got on is actually perfect, and I’d rather you were comfortable. So you choose.”

“Okay. I’ll go put my bag in my locker.”

“Don will meet you in the main bar area and show you to the VIP suite you’ll be working in tonight.”