Page 53 of Candy Canes

“Surely the castle has staff to do that for you?”

“I would never trust my delicates with strangers. Unlike some ho-ho-ho bags who pay for motorcycle rides home with their hoo-ha.”

“It was fucking worth it. Best sex I’ve had in all my life.”

“Even better than my brother?” she asks slyly. I gag.

“Gross. We agreed to never talk about that!”

She laughs. “You’re right. I don’t know what came over me.” She pauses for a second, folding more clothes and adding them to various cases. I don’t understand it, but she claims she has a system. “You know, I don’t fly out until really early tomorrow morning…”

“What’s your point?” I frown. Elle’s going to the airport tonight and getting a hotel because her flight is at sickness-inducing early o’clock. Her words, not mine.

“I could come check this club out with you tonight.”

“Umm no, I’m working.”

“Well, I could come anyway. On my own. Just to make sure it’s safe. I’d feel better about it anyway if I saw it for myself.”

“Absolutely not!” I cry. “It’s my workplace, Elle. I’m on probation anyway. I can’t be seen bringing my friends in.”

“Well, boo. Just to let you know though, that I did apply for membership at their regular club. If it gets approved I’ll upgrade for the holiday package and I’ll come check it out when I’m back from doing Christmas with the family.”

I groan, becauseof courseshe’s applied for membership at a sex club just to try and protect me. Elle’s never had sex in her life, let alone done any of the kinky shit that goes down at Candy Canes, but she would willingly put her prudish morals on the shelf to look out for me. I’m kind of touched, but mostly horrified.

“Hard pass,” I say with a grimace.

She sighs. “Fine. Want me to pass along any messages?”

“Send your parents my love,” I immediately reply. I love her parents more than anything. They made me feel so welcome right from the very first night when Elle dragged me home off the streets. I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for her entire family.

“And my brother?”

I grimace and ignore that. Aiden is still too painful to even think about. “Have a great time while you’re away, babe.”

“I’ve left your present under the tree in the lounge. Do not peek until the big day,” she warns.

“Would I?” I bat my lashes at her and laugh when her travel pillow whacks me in the face.Fucking silk!She knows me toowell though. I’m stifling a yawn when she hits me again. “Hey, what was that one for?”

“Go to bed. You’re clearly exhausted.”

I shake my head. “No way. It’s our last day to spend together. I can sleep when I’m dead.”

“You’ll get fired if you turn up looking like shit for work. It sounds like this place has the highest standards. The highest of the high if those shoes were anything to go by,” she snickers.

“It’s tradition for us to bake together. I’m not missing it. Now, finish packing so we can make these truffles for your family, and I might have time to squeeze in a nap before my shift starts.”

“Yes boss. By the way, I’ve made sure the freezer’s fully stocked. The fridge and the bar too. And I’ve put a couple of hundred in your bank account, just to tide you over until this fancy-schmancy job of yours actually pays out.”

Tears fill my eyes, and I have to swallow past the lump in my throat to thank her. “You didn’t have to do that, Elle. Having somewhere warm and dry to sleep, and knickers to wear is more than enough.”

“Eww, by the way. Whatever underwear you had on when you and Mr. Biker did the dirty, please consider them yours forever more.”

“I wasn’t wearing any. But you may want to gift me your couch when I move out,” I joke.

She shrieks and pummels me with her pillow until I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe.

“You really are a brat,” she huffs, out of breath.