Page 51 of Candy Canes

As soon as I think it, I feel like shit. It’s not her fault that I’m so wound up. I’m such an asshole. I was so fucking angry at her when she walked into the bar the first time, but she didn’t deserve it. I don’t understand why she seems to be able to get under my skin so easily. I can’t stand the fact that she’s getting inside my head. It’s getting harder to push her away.

I need to put some distance between us, let her know that I’m not like the others she’s cast her spell over, that I don’t want her anywhere near me.

Even if it’s a lie.

I’ve been rude, dismissive and I’ve even snarled at her a few times. I’ve never been so fucking cruel in my life, but every time she looks at me with those wide, frightened eyes, I feel like a piece of shit. But she still makes my dick hard.

“Who was that?” Don huffs, stepping out of the fire exit I’m trying to get through and peering at the disappearing lights of the car.

“Beats me,” I lie.

His gaze snaps to mine with the force of a whip.

“Was that Candy?” I shrug and he curses, running his hand through his hair. “What the fuck, Frost? Why are you being such a dick to her?”

“I’m not.” Another lie.

Why is he so worked up over her? So, what, she got in a cab and went home. I don’t understand why he’s practically tearinghis hair out. She can’t have been that good of a lay. No one isthatdesperate to get their dick wet in the same hole more than once.

“Yes you are, I heard you earlier. Embarrassing her like that. What the fuck? I know you must have said something to upset her because I was meant to be giving her a ride home and she’s vanished!”

I stare at Don, lost for words. His behaviour is so unfamiliar to me right now, despite all the years I’ve known him, that I may as well be staring at a stranger.

“I don’t see why you care,” I snap.

“I care.”

That’s all he says before turning on his heel and disappearing inside. But I still hear him yell “fuck” and the dull thud that’s probably his fist hitting a wall.

Better than my face.

He’s right. I was a dick to her earlier. My comment was out of line. But, fuck me, I couldn’t help it. Her scent. Oh god. It’s going to be the death of me. When she came back from her tour with North all I could smell was how turned on she was by whatever had gone down between them. And I got jealous. I’ve never been jealous of my brothers in all my life, but in that moment I don’t know what came over me. I just needed to lash out at someone. And being unwilling to hurt my brother, I focused on hurting her.

I don’t know how anyone can smell that sweet. She makes my mouth water for a taste, my knees weak for a hit of her drug.

I know I shouldn’t want her. She’s trouble. But like a moth to a flame, I can’t resist. She’s like a forbidden fruit that I can’t stop myself from obsessing over tasting. The more I try to deny my attraction to her, the stronger it gets. It’s like a sickness that’s taking over my body, and I can’t control it.

But I have to. For the sake of the bar, for the sake of my brothers, I have to stay away from her. She’s not good for any ofus. She’s turned our world upside down, and I can’t let her do it again.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down and focus on the task at hand. For now she’s gone and that’s all that matters.





“I really am sorry about this, babe,” Elle says for what has to be the hundredth time as she bundles cashmere jumper after gorgeous cashmere jumper into her ridiculously expensive luggage. I want to sob. Not because my bestie is leaving me for the next fourteen days, but because she’s taking all of her gorgeous soft cuddly sweaters away from me. At least she’s leaving the wine behind.

“It’s honestly fine. With my new shifts I’ll just be sleeping on Christmas day anyway,” I reassure her. Again.

She gives me a sideways glance that couldalmostbe considered a skanky side-eye.

“What?” I bristle.

“Nothing.” She opens her mouth to speak, closes it again. Hesitates.