Page 24 of Candy Canes

“Ah, I always thought guys liked women in heels because it did wonders for their legs.”

“And now?” he asks, blue eyes twinkling like stars in the night sky.

“Now I know it’s because they like the power of having a diminutive female taking tiny little steps by their side. Working twice as hard to achieve the same goals.”

“Well, there is that…” He nods, tilting his head to the side as if pondering my statement, but still smiling.

“But?” I prompt, unable to keep my own grin off my face. There’s just something about this guy that makes my shitty night feel so much better.

“But sometimes it really is just about how good their legs look.”

I smile even wider at him.

“And their arses, too.”

A laugh breaks free, surprising me. “See you tomorrow, Dasher.”

I grab my bag and stuff my discarded uniform into it.

“We wash those. There’s a bin over there.”

Embarrassed, I thank him, before crossing to where he pointed and ramming the whole ensemble into the basket.

Then I run for the door.

Outside, it’s absolutely freezing. I shiver and hug my bag for the illusion of warmth. I’m not entirely sure how to get home. I don’t think I have enough cash for a taxi, and the buses aren’t running until morning.

A beep – too high pitched to be from a car – makes me jump, but before I can figure out what made the noise, I’m blinded by light. Drawing my hand up to my brow, I try to shield my eyes and squint into the light, but it’s useless.

After a beat the light cuts out, but I’m still seeing starbursts whenever I blink.

“Candy, over here,” a gruff voice calls. I follow the sound, and my vision clears to the bouncer from earlier sat astride a bright green superbike.

“Hi, umm…”


“Oh yeah, that was it. Hi.”

“Boss said I’m to take you home. So hop on.”

“On there?” I squeak.

“No, on my magic carpet. Yes, on the back of the bike. You’ll want to put your coat on though, it’s set to snow tonight.”

“I…umm…don’t have one.”

“You don’t have a coat? In December?”

“Not right now. It’s complicated.”

He reaches up and unzips his leather jacket, revealing a tight white tee underneath that looks like it will shred if he flexes his muscles.

He tosses the jacket my way with a gruff, “wear that.” I quickly pull it on because itiscold, and immediately I’menveloped in his warmth and a leather and coffee scent. There’s the hint of motor oil and something else too, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe geranium and bergamot? Altogether though it’s incredibly masculine, but comforting.

Once the jacket is zipped, he passes me a black helmet, and then helps me secure it in place. Don pats the pillion seat and flicks out the foot pegs.

“Step on with your left, kick your right leg over the back, and hold on tight.”