Page 18 of Candy Canes

I turn to take in the newcomer and yep, now we have a rainforest situation downstairs. Sahara no more.

He’s tall, slim, but strong looking. Deceiving. With clear, pale porcelain skin that rivals my own. His blue eyes are so cold they almost look like molten mercury and his hair is a frosty white-blond, sharply spiked at the front. In fact, all his facial features are sharp edges and clean cut lines. He’s beautiful, in a cold, dangerous, untouchable kind of way.

And I’m staring at him, gaping like an idiot fish out of water.

“Can’t rush perfection, Frost,” Vixen winks at him playfully, but it doesn’t seem flirty.

“Youareperfection, Vix,” he replies with a smirk at her before turning to run his gaze over me. “You’re the best at what you do, but you can only work with what you’re given. Don’t beat yourself up too hard over this one.”

With that, he turns on his heel and leaves.


What the fuck?

We have a new recruit and she may as well have the word ’virgin’ scrawled across every inch of her perfectly pale, flawless skin.

I know that she’s probably not an actual virgin, but she has the fresh, innocent eyes of a child. It’s so plain to see that she’s naïve and innocent, and the last time I checked, those weren’t the kind of fucking qualities that we look for in our employees.

She doesn’t belong here.

What the hell were Wint and North thinking when they hired her? Sure, I know that we’re understaffed and pretty desperate since losing Holly and the other one whose name I never bothered to learn, but are wethatdesperate that we’re hiring fucking vanillas now? Does she even know what she’s getting herself into? I doubt it. Even in the brief moment I spent in her company in the dressing room, she did not have the confidence of someone who knows they’re about to start work in a sex club. Which means that she’s going to be a liability.

God dammit, Wint. What a total asshole. What on earth possessed him to hire her? And why the fuck would North signoff on it? He has more sense than that. More importantly, why wouldn’t they fill her in on the place, let her know what to expect.

I crash and bang my way around the bar, furious that not only is she going to upset the status quo here, but that she’s going to be under my feet behind the bar all night, probably fucking useless in heels she’s clearly not accustomed to wearing, and I’ll be expected to show her the ropesandbe nice to her.

I don’t think I’ve ever met someone less suited to being a member of our club than her. I mean, come on. She’s fucking vanilla. What the fuck is she doing here?

I finally stop moving long enough to get myself a scotch, and as I turn around, my eyes are drawn back to the door that separates her from me and the rest of the club. She’s back there somewhere, getting ready to come out and face the music, probably shaking with nerves and wondering what the hell she’s got herself into.

She really is stunning to look at. I’m not blind. She might not fit in here, but she certainly looks the part. Those fuck-me heels were showing off perfectly toned legs, and that indecently short dress with lace panels on her tits is going to have my cock aching all night long. Perfectly suited to the club, even if she’s not.

I guess she can’t help that though. It’s clearly her uniform for the night, strategically chosen by one of the others, and even though she seemed uncomfortable in it, she looked fucking good.

Fuck it. I hope she fucks up and fucks off. We don’t need someone like her here, and I certainly don’t need the distraction.

I take a long drink of the scotch, trying to wash the bad taste of my encounter with her out of my system, and before I know it, my glass is empty. I rarely drink on the job, but I needed that.

Sighing, I turn back to the bar, ready to get on with the rest of the night.


I’m sort of speechless about what just went on. Was that a burn? I look at Vixen for confirmation and she looks shell-shocked.

“Ignore him. He’s a rude, arrogant asshole.”

Hmm, why does she look so surprised by his outburst if that’s his standard MO?

“Let’s get going. I’m afraid you’re working the bar with Jack tonight.” She pulls a face.

“Jack? Is he not nice?” I ask nervously. I bite my lip. I never considered that the people I work with might not be friendly.

“You just met him. Jack Frost. Apparently tonight he’s decided to be an asshole extraordinaire.”

My heart sinks. Oh great. “Jack Frost? Is that his real name?”

“As real as Candy, Vixen and Donner.”