Page 170 of Candy Canes

“Bambi—” I warn, loving the way her breath catches as she pauses and looks up at me through her long lashes. “If you’re not careful, you’ll be earning a punishment later.”

I love the way her delicate throat bobs as she swallows.

“Now be my good little whore and serve our members until it’s time for you to serve your masters.”

She whimpers and scurries away to do as she’s told, and I truly love the effect I can have on her. Flipping the power between us could be a lot of fun. Fun I hope she’ll be willing to explore with me and my brothers after tonight.

If everything comes together.

The last person who would ever call me a good boy is the one standing here in front of me. I was awful to her. In a misguided attempt to keep her at arms’ length, I thought my spikey asshole demeanour would turn her off and keep her away. But it didn’t work. Because somehow, in some strange twist of fate, she’s the one woman in the world who sees right through me. Through the bullshit and the act. The one woman in the world who I can’t resist.

The one woman in the world I want to give it all to.

Because I’m in love with her.


“You ready, Sugar?” Don asks, leaning on the bar and grinning at me. His eyes are full of mischief and it makes my thighs clench.

“Ready for what?” I ask, cocking my head to the side.

“I’m here! I’m sorry I’m late, I got distracted in the stables,” Vixen cries, rushing behind the bar and shooing me out. “Go, go, go. Have fun!”

“Umm, what’s going on?” I ask, pinching my lip between my teeth.

“Oh, shoot! Go freshen up your lipstick! Trust me.”

I laugh and shake my head at Vixen’s antics, but do as she says and nip to the bathroom to reapply my red lippy.

When I step back into the bar, Don, Frost and Wint are all waiting for me. Excitement and anticipation mingle together and spread through my veins like a wildfire.

Don takes my hand and pulls me towards a door on the far side of the room. I’ve never been through that one, but I’ve seen enough people going through it to know exactly where it leads.

The dungeon.

My steps falter.

“We’ve got a surprise for you, Sugar,” Don says, his voice low and seductive. I squeeze his hand, looking for reassurance, and he squeezes right back. “Relax, we’ve got you.”

My palms slicken and my heart beats double-time. I’m excited. I am. But I’m also nervous and slightly terrified too. I remember waking up when I was chained up in an actual dungeon, and for a moment being groggy and confused, thinking I might have been in the club’s dungeon. I know that the two will be nothing alike, but that doesn’t stop fear clawing at my throat.

“Trust us,” Wint pleads. “We want to replace your bad memories with good.”

I find myself nodding. That sounds like a really good idea. I don’t want to be too scared to set foot in certain rooms here, don’t want to scurry across the car park like a scared little mouse each shift. Don’t want to give up working here and all that it might entail…

The hallway beyond the door is dimly lit with wall sconces and there’s a stone staircase leading down into the darkness.

“You okay, Bambi?” Frost asks, stepping close behind me. Wint leads the way and Don follows, still gripping my hand reassuringly. Frost places his palm on the small of my back and the heat gives me the strength I need to continue.

“Y-yes,” I reply after swallowing a couple of times.

“Remember your safeword?”

“Socks,” I whisper.

“Use it if you need to. No-one will think any less of you.”
