Page 168 of Candy Canes

His brows draw down in a frown. “When’s your period due?”

“Umm…why?” I ask as my brows mirror his.

“Just tell me, Sugar. I can check your file.”

“Jeez, alright. Overstepping much?” I mutter wondering where he’s going with this. “Like, in a couple of weeks? I finished my last one a couple of days before I started working here.”


“Good?” I blink.

“Yeah. I like to know these things.”

“Why? Do you know the periods of all the staff who work here?” I tease, even though jealousy forms in my stomach at the thought of it. Jesus Christ, what’s wrong with me? Just because I’m sleeping – was sleeping – with all five of my bosses and staying under their roof, it doesn’t mean I have any kind of exclusive claim over them.

“Just the ones I’m fucking,” he replies, instantly turning my thoughts even more sour.

“Great.” It comes out bitter but I can’t be arsed to hide it.

“And because, Sugar, you’re in the middle of your cycle, which means you’re fertile as fuck right now.”

I gulp and nod. “Right. Condoms. Let’s make sure we don’t forget again then.”

“We’ll see,” he replies enigmatically with a fierce smirk. My jaw drops but just as I’m about to demand that he explains what the fuck that means, he grabs my hand. “Let’s go.”

Don leads me through the dimly lit hallway to the dressing room. It’s a little quieter than usual, with only a few girls bustling about, getting ready for the night ahead. I take a deep breath, trying to steel myself for what’s to come.

But as soon as I step further into the dressing room, I’m hit with a wave of familiarity that makes it feel like I never left. The smell of hairspray and perfume mixes with the sound of chatter and laughter, and I smile as I head to my locker.

“Candy!” Vixen leaps up to greet me with a hug. “You’re back!”

“Just for tonight,” I say, returning her hug and feeling a sense of camaraderie wash over me.

“Still,” she grins, “it’s good to have you here. We missed you.”

I nod, feeling a sense of belonging that I haven’t felt in a while. Maybe coming back to the club isn’t such a bad thing after all. A sense of empowerment surges through me. I’m in control here. I can call the shots. And after everything I’ve been through, that feels damn good.

“We all love you so so much!” She exclaims. I raise a brow. She’s been lovely to me since my first day here, but I definitely got the impression that the rest of the staff could take me or leave me.

“Umm, really?”

“Absolutely! Daddy North got us all the best Christmas gift, and told us to thank you!”

I raise my brows, not having a clue what she’s on about.

“Silly! Look!” She points to her feet which are encased in a beautiful pair of spiky, scary-looking black leather boots covered in silver spikes.


She throws her head back and laughs. “You are so cute when you’re clueless,” she cackles. “He got all of us a pair of Jimmys!”


“Jimmy Choo shoes, duh! Like yours.”

“They’re technically my friends.”

“Well, technically we’re all your friends now. He got everyone a pair for Christmas, because it was such short notice, but he’sarranging a contract in the new year to refit the club’s entire shoe closet with the brand!” I stare at her in disbelief as she gushes over how amazing and generous and kind ‘Daddy’ North is and a slow burn begins to lick down my spine. “Honestly, I almost orgasm every time I take a step in these bad boys – they’re that comfy! I never thought I had a shoe fetish, but I think I might be developing one. I’m definitely going to make some poor soul lick my boots tonight.”