Page 16 of Candy Canes

The flashing lights, pounding music, and laughter from the crowd in the main bar provide a brief escape from the harsh reality awaiting me outside these walls.

I walk through the club, distracted. How the hell am I going to come up with two hundred grand in just two weeks? The weight of the deadline hangs heavily over me; I’m running out of time, racing against the clock.

It’s going to take a miracle, and I’m a firm believer that you only get one of those in life. And unfortunately, I’ve already had mine.





I was more than a little excited about my new job once I got out of the bath last night. I put everything else behind me and decided to focus on the positives. The potential.

Elle noticed the spring in my step and was more than willing to open a bottle of wine with me to celebrate. I may not have secured an actual job, but I damn well sure won’t be letting this golden opportunity slip through my fingers. Short of prostitution, I will do anything to keep a job that pays as well as this one is promising to.

Wint texts me the address of the bar, and I freak out for a minute about how he got my number before remembering that I called him from my phone in the newsagents. Probably should have withheld my number, but at least if he turns out to be a total psycho I know where he lives. I could call the police...or let street Candy back out of her box to deal with him.

Although, he didn’t seem like a psycho or a weirdo or anything other than just a stunningly attractive, rich man who’s way out of my league. I need to remember that the next time I see him. I almost made a fool of myself yesterday when he was down on his knees taking my measurements. I’m sure he could smell my arousal. How mortifying. Especially because I thoughthe was going to kiss me when we were saying goodbye. I wanted him to.

No. I can’t think – or feel – that way. This job is way more important than an inappropriate hook up.

I splurge on a taxi to get to work thanks to Elle leaving some cash out for me, bouncing my leg nervously the entire ride. I have no idea where the bar is, other than downtown in a bit of a shady area near the docks. I hope it’s not gang territory. It makes me worry about what kind of bar this is, but for the money, I’ll suck it up and deal with it. At least I don’t have to worry about walking home late at night if my shift finishes at seven in the morning.

The car pulls up outside what looks like an abandoned factory, the garish red brick jarring against the corrugated iron warehouses surrounding it. There’s no signage, no lights, no sign of life, and a scary as fuck forest right next door.

“You sure this is the right place, love?” The taxi driver asks. It’s kind of sweet of him to care. Usually so long as you pay, they don’t give a fuck where they’re dropping you off.

“This is the address. The entrance is round the back,” I quickly add to reassure him.

“Okay, love. If you’re sure.” He sounds totally unconvinced. “I’ll just wait five minutes. If you don’t come back I’ll know you’re good and take off.”

“Thanks, that’s really kind,” I say, because there’s clearly no shifting him on this. Also, there’s no logic that if Idon’tcome back I’m fine, but I know what he means. “See ya.”

I exit the cab and take a right around the edge of the building. I wasn’t lying to the cabbie when I said the entrance is round the back. That detail came through on the second text from Wint, which I’m glad of because otherwise I would have taken one look at this place and turned around.

Although, the back of the building isn’t much better. There’s broken furniture and sheet metal lying around, and glass crunches under my feet as I pick my way towards an illuminated fire exit sign – the only sign of life back here.

The skin on the back of my neck prickles and I whip around and peer into the twilight, looking for signs of danger. There’s a crash which sends my heart into my throat, and then a moment later a stray cat saunters out from behind the rubbish bins. I breathe a sigh of relief as it shoots me a look of disdain, then races off. LikeIsomehow disturbedit. Fucker.

Wiping my hands nervously on the jeans Elle lent me, I take a deep breath and knock on the battered metal door. There are no sounds coming from inside, and there weren’t any cars parked around the front. I’m scared this isn’t real, that the whole thing was some sort of joke. But who would do that and why?

I don’t even care that I could be hacked to pieces by a serial killer, I’m just gutted about the money. Not that I’ll need it if I’m dead.

The metal security door with no outside handle opens noisily. I stare up at the tallest, widest,sexiesthunk of man I’ve ever laid eyes on. And that’s saying something because Wint yesterday was ridiculously delicious. But if Wint was a smouldering George Clooney, this guy is…well, indescribable really. I couldn’t even think of a movie star to compare him to, he’s that striking. One of a kind.

“Yeah?” he grunts, staring down at me. I feelminusculein his presence. I’m crap with heights and estimations and things, but this guy is sexy-tall and built enough to look perfect. He’s also topless, his outfit a pair of dark wash jeans and thick soled combat boots. His arms – which I swear are the size of my head – are covered in black ink which dips down onto his defined chest. Further south there’s muscles and ridges for days. There’s something tattooed on his right pec too, but with thelight behind him and his imposing size blocking the doorway, it’s impossible to decipher.

“Erm,” I squeak. My face heats and I swallow noisily, trying to get myself back under control. “Wint sent me. For a...err...trial...tonight?”

“Shifts start at seven.” The guy frowns, not moving to let me in. In desperation I thrust my phone at him, showing the messages from Wint.

“He said it would be better to come at ten once everything was set up so that I can be shown the ropes.” The guy chuckles, even though I don’t know why. It’s a really nice, warm sound. Totally juxtaposes his large frame and low growl. He has a very short, neatly trimmed beard and dark hair which is short on the sides and a tiny bit wavy on top. He steps partially aside to let me in, and I have to squeeze past him to fit through the entrance. He’s solid muscle, and the heat emanating from him burns through my clothes, his strong masculine scent hitting me hard.

“I’m Grace,” I say with a small smile.
