Page 157 of Candy Canes

“At Candy Canes,” she interrupts, her voice now sharp and alert. “Oh god, what’s happened?”

“Is Candy with you?” I press, anxiety threading through my words.

“What? No. I’m in Edinburgh for the holidays. Why? What’s going on? I thought she was at work.”

“This is going to sound weird, but can you go and wake your brother for me?”

“Aiden? Why?” Elle questions, confusion evident in her voice.

“I need to ask him if he knows where Candy is.”

“They’ve not seen each other in years.”

Yeah, that’s what she thinks. I grit my teeth to keep from telling her what a piece of shit her brother is. If Candy didn’t spill the beans to her best friend, I’m not about to.

“Trust me. Just go wake him up and ask him. Better yet, give him the phone and put him on the line,” I instruct. There’s a pause on the other end, and then Elle sighs.

“Fine. Hold on.”

Muffled sounds of movement and hushed voices trickle down the line. After a moment, a male voice comes on the line, hushed and annoyed. “What’s this about?”

“Aiden, it’s Don, the bouncer from Candy Canes,” I explain, my tone direct.

“Right. What’s going on?” Aiden responds, tightly.

“Is Candy with you?” I inquire, cutting straight to the point.

“Candy? No, why would she be?” Aiden asks, confusion evident. Did he forget how he threatened and terrified her? I should have beat him into a coma.

“I need to find her. Something’s happened, and we’re worried,” I reveal, a sense of urgency pulsating in my words.

There’s a moment of silence, and I can almost picture Aiden processing the information. “I haven’t seen her. What’s happened?”

I don’t want to tell him shit, but if it can help find Candy, I can swallow my pride.

“She left the club abruptly, and we’ve lost contact. We’re concerned for her safety,” I explain, desperation creeping into my voice.

“No, she didn’t mention anything. It’s been years since we’ve spoken, and I don’t know her current friends or plans,” Aiden admits, his voice tinged with a note of regret that I’m not buying.

“Damn it,” I mutter under my breath, frustration evident in my tone. “Is your sister still there?” I ask, changing tack.

“Elle? Yes, she’s here. Why?”

“Can she hear me?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Good. Move a few paces away and listen carefully.” I pause a beat while he obeys before continuing, “If I find out that you have anything to do with her disappearance, I will kill you in such a painful way it will make what you went through before seem like a ride at Disneyland – your wife and kids be damned.”

His nervous gulp is clear as day down the line.


“Good. Now, put me on speakerphone.” Again, I pause.

“We’re both listening,” Aiden says after clearing his throat. His voice is a pitch too high, but Elle doesn’t say a word.

“We need to find her. If you hear anything or remember any details, or can tell me about her friends or favourite haunts, call me immediately. It’s crucial we locate her as soon as possible.”