Page 156 of Candy Canes

The chair beneath me scrapes against the tiled floor as I stand up. I can’t afford to be stuck in this place, dwelling on what might be happening to Candy out there. The fear for her safety is a gnawing ache, one I can’t ignore.

The urgency throbs through my veins, a relentless drumbeat that drowns out the steady hum of medical equipment around me. I need to find her. Now.

“I’m going for coffee,” I tell the others, storming past them as I mutter a rushed goodbye. The hospital corridors blur as I stride purposefully towards the exit.

The cold night air greets me as I burst out of the hospital doors. The sleepy sprawling streets of Black Hallows sprawl before me, indifferent to my suffering. My mind races with possibilities – where could she be? Is she hurt? Alone? Fear grips me, but I push it aside, focusing on the mission at hand.

My car is parked nearby, a welcome sight in the dimly lit car park. I slide into the driver’s seat, the engine roaring to life. Idecide to start with checking both of the flats – Candy’s and her friend’s.

As I navigate the urban maze, my thoughts circle back to Candy. Sure, I’ve not known her long, but we’ve shared moments of quiet understanding, and now, with her missing, I can’t suppress the gnawing truth any longer.

I care about her more than I should. But admitting that opens a Pandora’s box of emotions I’m not ready to confront. Love makes you vulnerable, and my whole life I’ve been taught that vulnerability can get you killed.

I shake off the nagging feeling, tightening my grip on the steering wheel. I need to focus on finding her. I drive through dimly lit streets, scanning for any sign of Candy. Black Hallows at night is a different beast, shadows and secrets lurking in every corner.

I cruise through neighbourhoods, my eyes scanning the streets for any sign of Candy. The minutes tick by, each one pushing the needle of anxiety deeper into my chest. I pull up outside her flat but it’s in darkness. Abandoning my car at the side of the road with the engine still running, I race to the top of the building and try her door. It’s not locked, but she’s not in there either. I return to my vehicle and drive to the friend’s place, but there’s no answer there.

Back in the car, the realisation hits. I can’t find her. The dark underbelly of Black Hallows has swallowed her whole, and I’m left with an overwhelming sense of defeat. The urgency that propelled me forward now sputters out, replaced by a sinking feeling of helplessness.

Almost unconsciously, I make the decision to return to the hospital, the weight of my failure heavy on my shoulders. As I walk through the hospital doors, the sterile scent hits me again, a bitter reminder of dashed hopes and unanswered questions.

I head back to Dash’s room, the door creaking open to reveal the same sterile environment. Dash is still unconscious, the steady beep of the heart monitor providing a rhythm to the silent chaos in my mind.

North and Wint are huddled in a corner, their expressions a mix of relief and concern. “Frost, where have you been?” North asks, his tone a blend of curiosity and frustration.

“I was looking for Candy,” I admit, the words heavy on my tongue, the gravity of the situation settling in the air. “I couldn’t just sit around waiting.”

North sighs, a mix of understanding and frustration. “We’ll figure this out, Frost. But we need to work together. Candy is important to all of us.”

I nod. The hospital room feels smaller, the walls closing in once again. Candy is out there, alone, and I can’t shake the nagging fear that I might never find her.


We’re back in the cells. Jamie is…well, he’s alive. For now. His wounds look nasty and I’m worried about them becoming infected, but there’s nothing I can do to help him. I’m trying to be strong, but I’m failing.

I don’t have any tears left to cry and I’m back to the gnawing hunger, the burning thirst and the bone-chilling cold.

If they don’t want my money, why am I still here? Jamie’s clearly shown he doesn’t give a shit about me, so I’m no use for a ransom. And they already have him imprisoned, so why keep holding me?

Something isn’t adding up.

Time goes back to trickling by at a snail’s pace and I wonder how much more of this there is to endure.


Using my phone to access the club’s systems, I pull up the membership applications and hunt through until I find the one I want. I’m so fed up of hanging around.

Action is needed now.

I memorise the number, exit the servers, and dial it on my phone, bringing it up to my ear.

It rings several times, almost reaching the point of voicemail kicking in. Just as I’m about to hang up, a groggy, sleep-strained voice answers, “Hello?”

“Elle?” I inquire, my voice laced with urgency.

“Speaking,” she responds, the sleepiness dissipating from her tone.

“It’s Don. I’m the bouncer—”