Page 127 of Candy Canes

Don leans down, his front pressing along the length of my back and presses his lips against my ear. “Do you remember your safe word, Sugar?” he asks.

I nod, because I have no words left.

“Good.” Wint’s strong, commanding voice rings out in the quiet room. “Because now you’re mine to punish.”


The hardest thing has been watching in silence. Not the watching and not taking part thing – I love that shit – but the not speaking a word thing. Even when Frost and Don tried to draw me into the conversation, I remained strong and silent.

I can tell it’s rattled Candy, that she’s on edge by my aloof presence. Good. That’s what I wanted. She probably thinks I’m mad or upset about earlier. But that’s not it. I like her nervous, wondering, a little scared of the unknown. She doesn’t know what to expect from me, and I like being full of surprises.

I won’t fuck her.

I won’t even taste her or put my hands on her.

I won’t let her put her mouth on me, no matter how much my cock ached watching my brothers take turns with her.

She’ll be my prize, but I’ve done nothing yet to deserve it, so I’ll bide my time until tomorrow when we hunt. Then, she’ll get to know the real me, and we’ll see if she can really handle her dark little fantasies.

Until then, I’ve got a punishment to dole out.

Don and Frost step back, taking their seats and catching their breath. Pushing to my feet, I take slow measured steps towards the armoire at the back of the room. She can’t see me butshe hears me, my polished shoes loud on the flagstones. I take my time, looking over options, contemplating, making her wait, before selecting the tool I’ll need, and then closing the wooden doors quietly.

Turning back to the table Candy’s strapped to, I continue to admire the view of her pulled wide, strapped down and dripping. The only thing that would make this vista more spectacular is if she were dripping Don’s cum from her tight little cunt. But she indicated a preference for condoms in her paperwork and we will always honour that request. Some limits are not meant to be challenged.

I reach her and lean in close, close enough that I could almost taste the sweat that has gathered on her skin. But I won’t.

Her little pink tongue flicks out to wet her lips, and my cock lurches at the sight. The sight of those plump lips, darting out to wet over and over again, is almost my undoing.

We’re both quiet, the only sound coming from Candy’s soft breathing. Her eyes are closed and her lashes flutter. I can appreciate a beautiful submissive in this position. Shame she won’t stay silent for long.

I reach out and trail my fingers around the edge of her ear, tracing its shape and the softness of her skin. She exhales, but otherwise doesn’t move. Her obedience is breathtaking and only serves to make me desire her more.

“You have a punishment coming, Candy Cane.”

My words are like a whip, cracking over her body, leaving her shaking in apprehension. She doesn’t know what to expect, and I love that.

I know for a fact she’s hoping I’ll be wicked, that I’ll have her writhing and screaming beneath my touch. After all, I helped her with her second questionnaire. The more honest one.

“Are you ready for your punishment, Tesoro?”

My words are spoken to her ear, a purr more than a demand. I love to hear the little mewl of anxiety she can’t hide, even as she nods.

The whip stays in my hand as I stroke the soft leather over her hip. She shudders at the touch. I sweep the long length of it over her again and again, up and down her torso. She shivers every time the leather caresses her skin. So I do it again, and again, just to watch her hit by the sensation. She’s already so sensitive, and I want to drive her to the brink.

I walk around her, making sure to always keep the whip in contact with her skin. Her creamy flesh is flushed and shiny from arousal. Every few seconds, I stop and bring it over her skin again. Her back, her neck, her hips, her inner thighs. Her breathing is getting faster and faster, little pants and gasps as I tease her with the touch of the soft leather.

Finally, I wrap my hand around the handle and bring the tip to her lips. “Suck it.”

My voice is harsh, a command laced with a promise of pleasure. Her tongue darts out, stealing a taste of the leather. It’s not enough for her, though. I have to yank it out of her mouth and press it back in. My hand fists in her hair as I hold her tight and make sure she takes a good length of it into her mouth. She sucks hard, like a fucking pro actually. I pull it out and make her watch as I kneel before her so that I can gaze into her lustful bright blue eyes.

“I’m going to use this on you tonight, Candy Cane. Do you know why you’re being punished, Tesoro?”

She shakes her head.

“Words, little one.”

“No.” She swallows and tries again, her voice barely a whisper. “Because of earlier?”