Page 110 of Candy Canes

If I get Candy to the club, scene with her in the dungeon, then I’ll know. This isn’t real. She’s just like any other one-shot sub. I just need to get her out of my system properly – with a whip and her cries of pain.

“None of us have to buy her a gift,” Wint continues, distracting me from my thoughts. “And we make sure she doesn’t get us anything. But Christmas night we could give her something at the club. A scene. Something I know she really wants.”

“Which would be?” Don asks eagerly as I look up.

“A run in the woods,” he replies smugly, sitting back and folding his arms across his chest.

Of course he looks like the cat that got the cream – Wint loves the chase. If Candyreallywants to experience a primal scene, there’s no better match for her. But how does he know she’s into it? Or is it wishful thinking on his part? I need to have a closer look at her questionnaire. I only skimmed over it because I knew she wouldn’t be gracing my dungeon with her presence any time soon. Or so I thought. Maybe that’s the answer. Bring her in sooner and scare her away. Show her she’s not cut out for this life, send her on her merry way and wait for all of this to settle down.

“And then?” I ask, tilting my head and reading Wint. His eyes are dancing with excitement. “What happens after you catch her?”

“I think it’s time she visited the dungeon, don’t you?”

My heart pounds at the idea, and my cock twitches, liking the suggestion very, very much. I did promise Candy a punishment, and I am a man of my word. Maybe it’s time to move up hertimeline. After all, she’s only with us for another couple of weeks, tops. I could get her out of my system and get rid of her before she does irreparable damage to my brothers and me.

Finally, I nod. “Fine. Set it up.”

“I’ll observe and co-ordinate,” Dash quickly offers. I raise a brow at him. That’s not his usual role. “Wint will be chasing, Don will protect her. No doubt Frost will be involved somehow to terrify her. I’ll watch on the cameras, give support from behind the scenes, while you work the dungeon and prepare for her.”

It’s not a bad idea actually. “Everyone alright with that?” I ask, they all agree. “Fine. What’s the plan for her tonight?”

“Tonight she’s going to be the centre of attention,” Wint tells me.

“On stage?” I ask, my pulse beating faster. I’d abandon my post as dungeon master to come and watch that.

“No, I was thinking in one of the viewing rooms though.”

I nod my head. “That could work.” I could watch it back on the cameras later.

Dash clears his throat. “I think I should sit this one out tonight. I’d like to watch. Maybe guide.”

“Oh?” I ask, raising a brow at him. There’s something…off, but I can’t put my finger on it.

“Yes,” he says a little more confidently. “I didn’t push Candy far enough in our scene yesterday. It was only Frost’s careful scrutiny of the situation and then his intervention that made it so successful. I was thinking, that could have been avoided if I was wearing an earpiece. Frost could have given me the instructions I needed. I also think she’s ready to be pushed further. She clearly likes a little pain with her pleasure and I think Don, Frost and maybe even Wint could be the ones to really help her explore that. If I watch, I can learn more for next time.”

Wint says nothing but Frost’s eyes are narrowed at Dash.

“Do you guys have any issues with that suggestion?” I ask.

“None whatsoever,” Don replies. “It’s been too long since I had my girl.”

“She’s not your girl,” I remind him tightly, but it falls on deaf ears if his answering shit-eating grin is anything to go by.

“Fine,” I sigh. “Wint? Frost?”

“Whatever you say, boss,” Frost replies coolly. Wint agrees.

“That settles it then. Wint, you’ll have to move some staff around tonight and tomorrow to ensure all areas such as the bar and things are covered.”

“On it.”

“Dash, you need to set up the trail through the woods, check the cameras are working, that sort of thing.”

“No problem.”

“Frost, can you make sure the bar’s all set up for whoever we have covering you—”

“Always do.”