Page 103 of Candy Canes


Unknown number: She’s a pretty little thing

Unknown number: It would be a shame if anything had to happen to her

Unknown number: Still, you don’t need her to have all her fingers and toes to fuck her do you

Unknown number: She doesn’t even need to remain pretty

Unknown Number: Your brother said to put the interest on your account but we’re willing to take her towards your payment…

Unknown number: Your choice

Unknown number: Tick Tock Tick Tock

Unknown number: Time’s running out

I slam my phone down with so much force that the screen cracks. Which was really fucking stupid because I can’t afford a new phone right now. But the thought that they’re watching me, watching Candy, turns my stomach. It has to be Candy the message as refer to; there isn’t anyone else in my life. But our home is a fortress, which means they must have eyes on us at the club. Or coming and going from the club at least. The comment about sucking my cock though…it makes me think there’s a plant or a mole inside Candy Canes. Someone breaking their NDA and reporting back to the monsters my stepbrother’s entangled with.

I need to think of something, fast, to raise the cash and release my stepbrother from their clutches. But more importantly and above all else, I have to protect Candy, with my life if necessary.

No one besides me and my brothers should have been able to see what went down in the Ice room. It’s not a public viewing room, and we sure as shit didn’t leave the door open.

As much as the idea of our members watching Candy turns me on, we all agreed that her introduction to the club would be carefully controlled and slow.

Frost definitely went against that edit though, pushing Candy further than we were supposed to. It wasn’t even discussed – the idea of sharing her and making her take two of us.

I don’t know whether to be pissed that he gatecrashed my session with her, or pleased that he was watching, reading the situation so accurately, and intervened to give her the best experience possible. Because that’s what it comes down to – Candy’s pleasure – and he certainly raised the bar.

I guess we need to have another discussion about how we’re going to progress, now that it’s clear that Candy can handle a little pain with her pleasure. I didn’t miss the way she preened at my praise but clenched at Frost’s gentle degradation too. What I wouldn’t give to be the guy who can show her a firmer hand,a sharper tongue, the lash of a whip…but we all have our roles to play and sadly, that isn’t mine. No matter how much I wish it were.

Nothing surprised me more than Frost asking to be the one to give Candy her aftercare. I could only watch as he scooped her into his arms and carried her away with more tenderness than I’ve ever seen him show to anyone. I wonder if he’s got it as bad as I seem to.

It’s just as well he did take her though, because as soon as I got cleaned up and up to the office, my phone started going off like crazy with these messages. It’s three in the damn morning and they’re relentless. Don’t they ever take a day off, or sleep?

I need to think of something – anything – to get these guys off mine and my step-brother’s backs, but the only thing I can think of is…wrong.

It goes against everything I believe in and stand for. It breaks every rule of the club, and it would destroy my brothers’ trust in me.

But I might not have any choice. Especially if they’re now threatening Candy too. I have to keep her safe above all things – even if that means breaking all the rules and my morals to do it.

Sitting down at Wint’s desk, I push those feelings aside and log into the computer. Once everything loads, I enter our members’ files and filter the options to find what I’m looking for. There’s a specific clientele I need to target in order to pull this off, and I need to find a way to keep it off the others’ radar. I find what I’m looking for easily enough thanks to Wint’s meticulous systems, and I print the contact info for a dozen members.

Grabbing the papers from the printer, I fold them up and stuff them into my back pocket, just in time before Wint walks through the door. I give him a tight smile in greeting and make my excuses to leave.

But instead of feeling relieved that I’ve come up with a plan that might work, I’m just left with a dirty, sour taste in my mouth.

Three hours later, I’m done. Invitations have been sent out and I’ve even arranged with the others to change up tomorrow’s plans with Candy. Everything is in place, so I just need to wait for the money to start rolling in. And pray that no one notices.





The last thing I remember is being bundled up in Frost’s arms and taken from the ice room to somewhere warmer – a room with a real fire going, but not Room Six though. I would have known if it was the same room.