“Stay. Please,” I plead.
“Of course.” I take a few deep breaths, trying to clear my head and steady my nerves. As my breathing slows, I take in my surroundings. The sight of the pool no longer fills me with paralysing fear.
“Everyone okay?” Night asks, taking charge.
They all nod, but there’s a sense of unease amongst us. I can feel it in the way they’re all standing, tense and ready for anything. We all know that we’re not out of danger yet.
“Did we do it?” I ask, looking around at them. “Did we face our fears?”
“Is the door unlocked?” Honey adds.
Ghost jogs off to check, but even from where I’m sitting on the floor, I can just sort of tell that it won’t be. It’s a feeling in my gut, and I don’t like it at all. He walks back looking dejected. “No. They’re still locked.”
We all stare at one another, our expressions glum. “That means there’s more to come.”
Well, isn’t Nightshade just a ray of fucking sunshine. It’s not like any of uswantto be stuck in this place, but obviously whoever’s watching us doesn’t feel like we’ve confronted enough of our fears to earn our freedom.
I cough, the stench of chlorine is really starting to bug me. My eyes and throat burn from being in the water while Kayla thrashed and fought against me.
I’m not proud that I tried to drown her again.
She’s the key to us getting out of here, I know it. Obviously the water is her fear. I figured out as much when Seytan had me drown her in the bathtub. I don’t entirely know what came over me down here, but I felt compelled to do it again, to force her to face her fear of the water. Maybe in the hopes of getting us out of here faster, but I’m honestly not convinced that I wasn’t just trying to kill her.
I heave a sigh, watching as Kayla wraps her arms around herself and nervously eyes the pool, her wet red hair hanging around her face like tendrils of angry fire. Nightshade’s right, as much as I hate to admit it. We’re not getting out of here until we’ve faced our fears, and it’s obvious Kayla’s fear is still water.
I get to my feet, rubbing my jaw and the back of my head. Ghost has a surprisingly mean right hook, and I definitely cracked my head when I hit the tiles. Doesn’t seem to be any lasting damage though.
The others are all so wrapped up in Kayla they don’t even notice that I’ve come around, or that I’ve crossed over to her.
I crouch down.
“Are you okay?”
She nods but I can tell that she’s lying.
Now that the adrenaline has died down and the need to save everyone is gone, she’s going into shock. She’s shaking and shivering, her teeth starting to chatter together.
I hold my hand out to her and she stares at it like it might bite her.
“What?” she asks, her voice guarded and her expression distrusting.
“I just want to help you up. Come to the changing rooms with me. We can find you some dry clothes and get you warmed up.”
“Snow—” Nightshade warns. I hold my hands up in innocence.
“I don’t know what came over me, any more than the rest of you do. But I swear, I feel fine now and I’m not going to hurt her.”
Kayla hesitates for a moment before reaching out to grasp my hand and slowly getting up. She wraps her arms around her chest and shivers, still feeling the cold water seeping through her skin.
I lead her towards the changing rooms, my footsteps echoing in the empty pool area. As soon as we enter the dimly lit room, I can see the relief on Kayla’s face. The air is warmer in here, and the smell of chlorine is muted.
I guide her towards the showers, turning one on and warming it up before encouraging her to step under the spray. I help her out of her wet clothes, trying my best not to look at her naked body. But despite my efforts, I can feel the blood rushing to my dick.