Page 63 of Exposed

“You might not be so smug when you see how much I eat. Hope your wallet’s nice and fat.”

“Almost as fat as my cock.” He winks as I gape at him.

It takes me a moment to recover and then I laugh. “Touché.”

He joins me laughing and I splash him, which develops into a savage water fight. Then the two of us wrestle, each trying to dunk the other. I don’t stand a chance with his stature, but when he pushes me under, I yank his boardies down and then take advantage of his shock to topple him over. Then I swim like hell so that he can’t retaliate.

We spend hours in the water, and by the time I drag myself to shore, I’m shaky with dehydration and hunger. I wrap my towel around myself and sit on the sand watching the guys enjoy their final few rides. They’re all good, really good. Bhodi can ride the waves for the longest, Cove is the most agile but Reef has all the tricks. My skin tingles as my mind decides to go there and wonder what Reef might be like in bed.

Overheated and parched, I glug down the bottle of water that Cove gave me, grateful for his thoughtfulness as always.

“Malia? Malia! Wake up!”

I jolt awake, confused. Blinking, I slowly start to realise that I’m lying on the sand and three very concerned faces are staring down at me.

“Are you okay?” Cove asks.

I yawn and stretch. “Sorry guys, I must have dozed off.”

“We thought you had passed out or something.”

I shake my head. “No. But I am starving. And thirsty.”

“Here, do you want some of my water?” Cove holds out his bottle of water and I hesitate before taking it.

The last thing I remember is downing my own bottle, and then everything became fuzzy. It must be a coincidence. But I still only take a small sip before handing it back.

“Are you sure that’s enough?”

“Yeah, sorry, I drank all mine and I think my belly’s just too full of liquid. I think you’ll hear me slosh when I walk.”

“If you’re sure…”

“Yeah. I’ll grab a can of pop when we get lunch.”

“Pop. That’s so cute,” Bhodi says. “Here, I’ve got your board. Just no races this time, okay.”

“Trust me, you’d win if there was one. I feel so funny.”

I get to my feet but the beach sways and I wobble. Reef catches me in his arms and I blush.

“Right, that settles it then. Bhodi you carry her board, Cove you grab the empty bottles and Malia’s towel, and I’ll carry her.”

It’s embarrassing, but I don’t protest because I genuinely don’t feel like I could make it back to the house on my own.

The guys make short work of getting us back to the house, and Reef deposits me on a dining chair while he gets lunch ready for all of us, giving me bits to nibble on as he works. Cove and Bhodi take care of the boards, rinsing them down outside and reapplying a fresh layer of surf wax.

When they’re done, Bhodi carries my board in and props it by the front door and Cove comes over to drop a kiss on the top of my head and give me a hug from behind.

“How are you doing?”

“Good,” I reply, breathing in the scent of him. “Umm, I love that smell.”

“What? Salty wet dog?” Bhodi calls.

“No, it’s the sex wax. I love it. At home I even had a scented candle of it.”

“Wow. I didn’t know you could get those.”