Page 25 of Exposed

“Good point. No. I don’t. I pretty much only speak to you and another guy and Summer.”

“Exactly. I just thought we should stay here out of the way while the search is underway. And I know it’s safe here. Plus, I helped you get a jump start on your essay so you’re welcome.”

She giggles then looks guilty.

“It’s okay Malia. It’s okay to have fun. I’d say having fun in the midst of all this chaos is more important than ever. You can’t feel guilty for living.”

She gives me a tight smile like she wants to argue but doesn’t. “Can we go eat somewhere? Is it safe? I’m starving.”

My phone pings at the moment and I quickly read the message from the prof.False alarm, security fine. Malia can go back to her dorm. Join us once you’ve dropped her off.

I quickly reply for them to get started without me, then pocket my phone.

“Actually, I’m starving too. We should eat. And campus security have posted that the dorms are open now so you can go home after.”

“Okay. I’ll just pack up.”

“I’ll do final checks and lock up.”

I leave Malia at the desk while I close up the library, shutting down computers and turning off lights. I check the staff room is empty and in darkness and then meet Malia by the door.

She’s deep in thought and startles when I approach her.

“What are you thinking about, little dot?” I ask as I hold open the door for her and she slips through.

“Just that I wish I could help.”

“You were a great help in the library tonight,” I tell her, closing the doors behind me and locking them.

“Not that. I mean help with the missing girls.”

I slip my hand into hers and give it a squeeze. “Me too, Malia. Me too.”

“I’m really not sure about this,” I tell Summer loudly over the music that’s playing while we get ready to go out. ‘Voices in my Head’ by Falling in Reverse is blasting from my speakers, and even as anxiety squeezes at my throat, I can appreciate the irony of this song.

It’s been a hell of a week with one of the two missing students turning up – a false alarm apparently. But no sign of the other one. Cove’s back to being his usual happy, attentive self, but this time it’s Bhodi who’s being distant. I don’t think it’s me though, he seems really anxious about these mysterious disappearances on campus, and even though his teasing sparkle has gone, he’s still by my side every day and incredibly protective. Which, surprisingly, isn’t horrible.

“Malia—” Summer moans. I’m not sure if she’s complaining about the music – which I know she hates – or the fact that I really don’t want to go on this stupid weird date with her.

I pull at the fancy white dress she’s loaned me, uncomfortable and twitchy. It doesn’t feel like me, I don’tlooklike me, and I wonder for the hundredth time why I agreed to it.

So you could go on that date with Cove, I remind myself.Yeah, well, it wasn’t worth it.

It so was…wasn’t it?


“I really don’t want to do this, Summer.”

I glance at my bedroom door apprehensively and Summer sighs. Her range of sighs when it comes to me has all the variation of a full orchestra, and this particular one saysI’m getting on her last nerve.

“Malia, please. Do this for me? The guys have been wanting to meet you for ages. They’ve been super patient while you’ve been…getting better, and they’ve gone to a lot of trouble to reserve this table tonight. The restaurant is really exclusive. It’s the nicest place they’ll have ever taken me. They’re pulling out all the stops to impress you.”

“I don’t get why,” I mutter. Shouldn’t they be trying to impress Summer, not me? Why would arestaurantimpress me? Are they cooking the food themselves?

“Because they like me!” Summer cries, exasperated and finally losing patience with me. I knew it was coming. I may struggle with double meanings and facial expressions, but I’m an expert in reading Summer’s sighs. “Because they care about me, and I care about you, so you matter to them too. They want to know my best friend in the whole wide world, and frankly, you could put in a little effort too.”

I stare at Summer, taking in her words.