Page 99 of Stalked

Yeah, we scared him off, but I’m not sold on him being away for good. The desperate, cruel bastard wouldn’t give up easily. The longer we don’t hear from him, the worst the nagging feeling gets.

I answer the unknown caller, who happens to be one of my new pregnant patients. She tells me about the blood work I sent her to do, and that it came back okay. I congratulate her on the good news, ask her to call Vienna to schedule an ultrasound in two weeks, and hang up.

Once I’m done with the call, I go back to my apartment, shower, and change into black sweats and a T-shirt. Then, finally, I’ll catch up on some reading material.

When seven-thirty rolls around, I drive back to work, parking at the adjacent parking lot, so Prue won’t see my car. She’s already aware of my stalking tendencies. There’s no need to make matters worse by proving to her I do it throughout most of the day.

At the entrance to the building, I wave to Marv and open the door leading to the stairwell.

“Taking the steps?” he asks in his kind tone. The man is way too nice to be working in security. “I hear it’s good for your health, but my knees are too weak for that.”

I grind my teeth, pivoting to face him.

I wear an expression I hope conveys serenity instead ofmind your goddamn business. Anything to make our encounter civil and forgettable.

Better he fixes his attention back on his newspaper than have him stay alert to the new, aggressive tenant who came here late without his usual work clothes.

“Try swimming.” I smile, exposing my teeth.

“Yeah, good idea.”

Before he can babble some more, I slip behind the door and plaster my back to the wall until I hear the soft click of it closing.

Every ten minutes or so, I poke my head out inconspicuously. She’s not there, and fortunately—and not so surprisingly—Marv doesn’t cast a glance my way.

Covering all my bases, I text her.

Me:Hey, Three. Any chance of seeing you earlier tonight?

It takes her a few minutes to answer.

Prue:I wish. No one canceled.

Three dots keep blinking, so I wait for more of her.

Prue:I can’t wait to let you strip me and show you my soaking pantyhose.

I bite my clenched fist, suppressing a groan. I know she changes from her casual outfit to elegant clothes for those consultations, taking Dr. Waldron’s example. What I didn’t know is she packed a skirt to wear today. And goddamn pantyhose.

She sits there all prudish and innocent while my cum drips from her ass.

As if that’s not enough to drive a man mad, she sends another text.

Prue:I’ve been so good, Theo. Walked with you dripping out of me all afternoon.

Jesus. My Prue had been a virgin who shuddered at the excessive use of the wordfuckingless than three weeks ago. Now, she’s starting to match my filthy mouth.

Me:I’m so proud of you, my dirty slut. Call me when you’re home. I’ll come to scrub it off you, feed you, and bite that tight ass I’ve been thinking about nonstop.

Prue:K. Bye.

My shoulders shake with silent laughter. I get the short answer. She can’t afford to blush and clench her thighs when she’s supposed to be professional.

I don’t need her to rub one out right now, either. I have the rest of our lives to have her moaning and shivering in my arms.

I fish out my phone from my pocket and linger in the dark, ankles crossed, catching up on more reading on my phone. People who work here and opt for the stairs don’t say a word as they run by me, hardly noticing my presence. They’re in a rush to get home, not even alerting Marv of a creep lurking in the building. I know because I check.

At ten to nine, Prue texts me she’s leaving and will text me when she’s home.