Page 6 of Stalked

She left the clinic she works in around the corner when I left mine. With her eyes on the ground, she hadn’t noticed me stalking her from the other side of the hallway.

But I saw her. And once I did, I couldn’t unsee her.

I damn near choked on the energy emanating from her.

This enchanting woman in blue scrubs didn’t have a fake happy mask on her face. She didn’t pretend to be someone who had it all figured out.

Something about her slow gait and how inside her own head she was told me she’s been through some things. Had a past that changed her. Turned her even more special and precious. Made her perfect.

Light and dark, delicate and powerful, and undeniably intriguing—combinations that don’t tend to mesh well. On her, though, it made sense. It made a ton of sense. These characteristics had masterfully been sewn into her skin, and even from afar, she looked…


And instead of introducing myself like any other civilized forty-year-old doctor would, I opted for a different path.

Frazzled, for the very first time in my life, I backpedaled and hid, waiting for her to enter the elevator. Once gone, I took the stairs three at a time, descending at a rapid speed to the lobby.

The sneakers on my feet pounded at the cement stairs as I flew down to make it to her.

And I did. Landed right on the first floor before the elevator dinged.

I didn’t hound the mystery woman. I lurked in the stairwell, opening the steel door just barely, and traced her movements from there.

My eyes, black as the night she walked out to, followed her and gauged every little detail about her. Soft curves the scrubs couldn’t hide. Adorable beauty spot at her nape.

Her cute button nose when she twisted her head to Marv and said, “Good night.”

The one thing I couldn’t reach was her scent. A sweet, contemplative young woman like her, she probably smelled of sunshine and the ocean. A fragrance that stemmed from her pores, a one-of-a-kind and…

Fuck, she’s almost gone.

And an even bigger fuck—I’m obsessed.

In a matter of minutes, this woman hijacked my sanity. She’s turning me into this person I don’t recognize. No woman has ever made me this ravenous.

I see between ten to twenty women on an average day and haven’t felt like this for any of them, a fact that should speak for itself.

I talk to them. Listen to them. Look inside and touch their vaginas.

As a gynecologist, that’s what I do.

The women who aren’t my patients haven’t stirred this kind of reaction out of me either. Some tried, but I saved them from making a mistake. I was a responsible adult instead of an abusive man in power.

The women I’ve had casual sex with were great, though that’s all they were. A long-term relationship hasn’t been in the cards for me, simply because our interactions eventually boiled down to itches that needed scratching.

This itch for the woman hightailing it out of here, though, it’ll take a lot more than a quick fuck to soothe.

Without giving myself a chance to realize how crazy this situation is, I eat up the distance from the office building to my car. I hop into my white Mercedes and take off after the unsuspecting woman’s Prius.

I trail close behind, blending in the background of expensive sedans and SUVs. At a safe distance of two to three cars between us, I’m at her heels as she navigates through Santa Monica Blvd.

When she’s off the road, I am too. She turns left, I turn left. She turns right, I swerve to the right as well.

Less than twenty minutes later, she slows near an apartment building. I drive ahead of her to park my car at the corner, where I pull over and wait. Before I do, though, I pass by her, and my eyes drift on their own accord to her window.

The low streetlight isn’t much to go on. In any case, I can’t slow to a complete halt and put her on an even higher alert.

Now that I know where she lives on top of where she works, I’m sure I’ll have ample opportunities to look at her.