Page 126 of Stalked

She lets me into her apartment, and I lift the containers, walking in and placing them on the countertop in her kitchen.

Still clinging to her silence, Prue sits on the same couch we sat on six days ago.

I join her, flipping my palm up for her to hold.

She keeps her hands in her lap.

“I’m going to keep it short, Theo.”

An infinite number of arguments rise in my throat. I might’ve misread her intentions when I walked in. But we’re not over. If I have to sit here and beg to her forgiveness morning to night for a year, I’ll do it.

I’m not leaving without her.

“I forgive you.”

I choke. I fucking choke. I press a fist to my mouth until I stop coughing.

“You do?” I finally say.

She tilts her head, her nose scrunching again. Fucking adorable.

Then again, she could flip me off, and I’d think she looked like the most precious woman alive.

She can do no wrong in my eyes.

I. Love. Her.

“I’m not sure how. Or why, but I do.” Her words land in my chest, slither into my heart.

They’re hope. They’re our future.

“Not because Ineedyou. I don’tneedanyone. It’s because…”

I hold on to my silence, waiting for her to explain. The air crackles around us.

I’m dying to take charge and reassure her everything will be fine. Thatwewill be fine. I’d be acting on my impulses, and by doing so, I’d ruin it for her.

This has to come from her.

“I love you, I think that’s it.” She lets out a watery laugh. “I love you so much.”

I can’t tolerate her sadness for another second, not when she needs me. I swoop her into my arms, moving her to straddle my hips. My hands find their home on her cheeks, my fingers in the soft mane of her hair.

“I love you too, Prue.”

“You’re not calling me Three.” Her fingers trail along the length of my shirt. “Are you disgusted with me? For killing…him? My father?”

“Fuck no.” I dig my fingers into her scalp, drawing her head to me.

Our foreheads press together, our breaths entangle. We’re us again. From now until the world ends.

“I refuse to call you Three because you won’t be living here anymore. As much as I respect you and the space you might need, you won’t be coming back here. I’ll sleep on the couch if I have to. My home is your new home until we pack up everything and move to our house.”

Her eyes glimmer. I bet mine do, too.


“Our. What’s mine is yours. All of it.”