Page 124 of Stalked


The only reason I’m walking this earth is to make you happy.

To make you feel loved and cared for.

To make up for all the years you weren’t adored and worshiped.

I’m madly in love with you.

We belong together.

And I’ll never give up on you.

On us.

Forever yours,


Missing him worsens every minute we’re apart.

I need him, need to crawl under the skin of the man I love. Talk to him about what happened with my dad since he’s the only one who knows the truth about him. Ask him what he thinks about me going to visit my mom, and if he’ll join me there.

Theo has such a pivotal part in my life, and with him gone…I’m all alone.

But I get how it’s the healthy thing for me.

First, it’s vital I learn how to be alone without feelinglonely.

One day after the other I have. I’d gone jogging and swimming. Went to a fancy spa for a massage and a facial. Read two books, drank my wine. Bawled my eyes out and ran through a few tissue boxes.

By myself.

Well, not entirely. Idideat the meals Theo prepared for me.


Which brings me to my second goal. He has to understand he hasn’t treated me like a partner should. He can degrade me all he wants. Take me in my sleep. Come in my shower.

Consensually. Respectfully.

And here I am, a couple of hours before the dawn rises on the fifth morning by myself.

I feel like I’ve accomplished both of my goals.

I’m still sad and fragile, but his actions aren’t why I’m deflated. It’s what I’ve done. The loss I experienced. What Zeke forced me to do.

Missing Theo plays a huge part in it too. I’m ready to forgive him. Prepared to love him and let him love me.

To be reunited with my soul mate.

It’s time.



Beefroastandgrilledvegetables for lunch, lasagna for dinner.