“You two need to hash this out. I’m sick and tired of having two important people in my life hate each other.” He turns and looks us both in the eye. “Figure it out. Neither of you are leaving this fucking house until you do.”
The door slams, and Stone is completely unbothered, and it’s obvious that he feels zero remorse.Typical.
He sits back on the bed with strong arms holding him up from behind. His muscles flicker with each thundering beat of my heart. “There’s a nice tree out front that you’d be perfect for. Those sticks of legs you still have will blend in perfectly.”
I roll my eyes. “That’s the best you’ve got? The stick joke?”
“Why are you even here? You had nowhere else to go? I find that hard to believe.”
I stand with my back against the closed door and recross my arms. I’m wearing my Shadow’s shirt, and if I don’t leave soon, I’ll miss my second shift, and the dinner crowd gives better tips. I’m beyond grateful to have a steady waitressing job that works around my school schedule, and I’m not going to screw it up by being late. “Do you think I’d stay in a room with you if I had any other choice?”
He chuckles, and it’s frustrating how it sounds the exact same as it did two years ago. “Have you seen me, Sticks? Of course you’d want to stay in a room with me.” He reaches back and grabs the other pillow, closest to the wall, and throws it on the floor, along with the thin blanket that was at the foot of the bed. “I get the bed.”
“How gentlemanly of you,” I snide.
Stone stands and shrugs. “I’m the hockey player here. I need the rest.”
He walks toward me, and I want to run, but I don’t because that’s just not who I am. I’ve been face to face with much more dangerous people than Stone Foster, even if he does absolutely loathe me.
“What do you need to rest for?”
He’s standing a mere inch away, and my heart is flying through my chest so fast I’m certain he can see my pulse pounding against the side of my neck. Stone is completely relaxed, though. His breathing is level, and the moment his lips part, I’m surrendering to his breath against my face like it’s a wicked spell.
I gasp when his hands latch onto my forearms, but I don’t dare pull away when he flings them onto the door behind me with a little too much force. His knee is between my legs, and I’m so frozen I can’t even breathe. Heat paints my cheeks when he stares at my chest. His eye twitches, and his body puts off so much hate that it should scare me.
“The Shadow Bar and Grill?”
His laugh is full of sarcasm, and I hastily pull my arms out of his grip. He steps away, and I finally can breathe again.
“That’s what you need rest for? A fucking waitressing job?”
He rolls those cold blue eyes of his, and I put my back to him, flinging the door open with so much force it hits the back of the wall. I’m halfway down the hall when he calls out from behind me.
“See you later,roomie.”
* * *
My shiftat Shadow’s ends too quickly.
I’m back athomeand staring up at the light coming from the window in whatwasmy room until my past decided to come bite me on the ass.
Evan’s texts are burning a hole in my back pocket, and part of me wants to tell him why Stone hates me so much, but I don’t want the pity, because knowing Evander, he’d understand why I did what did.
He would be disappointed, but he knows my living situation and family drama better than anyone.
Stone knows of my past too.
But he has a cold heart, so of course there is zero compassion or sympathy on his part.Except…Stone never did tell Evan the truth. The only thing Stone did after the whole ordeal was pretend I no longer existed.
Too bad he has to share a room with me now, and after reading Evan’s texts, I know I have to suck it up and play nice because if there is one person in my life who I don’t want to upset, it’s him.
“Get in here, girl! We made dinner.”
I peel my eyes from the second-floor window, and three happy grins stare back at me from the door. The smell of Thai food slips out past Evan’s teammates and pulls me toward the door without much protest. I can’t say no to stir-fry noodles and curry, even if I did eat a hamburger on my break.
“Wow, this smells…” I pause at the open containers from Touch of Thaisplayed out on the coffee table in the living room surrounded by empty plates. I laugh. “I thought you said you made dinner.”
“Madeas in…put it on a plate.” Evan snickers after landing a quick peck on my temple. “The rest of the food is in the kitchen.”