“Stone,” Wren murmurs.

I shake my head. “Sorry. You can stay up here if you want. If you’re not enjoying the party. I’ve just got to talk to my dad.”

She twirls her hair around her finger. “Tempting…”

I kiss her. I meant it to be a quick thing, but there’s no such thing asquickaround Wren. I’m sucked in, leaning down into her, as her lips slide against mine. Her tongue skims the seam of my lips, and I open for her. Letting her wind her arms around my neck, pressing her bare breasts to my chest.

She’s going to be the death of me.

And I think I love her for it.

* * *

Now or never.

I finally tore myself away from Wren, promising to be quick. She could hide in my room and then meet me at the car, or we could stay… But staying would lead to more conversations in the morning, and I’m not convinced my dad won’t tell me to get out as soon as I broach the subject.

The party’s on its last legs. My father is drunk, sitting in his favorite wing-backed chair on the back patio with a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigar dangling from the fingers of his other. The drink is neat, per usual. Ice is practically sacrilegious.

The chair is normally inside, as it’s his favorite. But I guess Martha decided to take all the good indoor furniture outside for this ridiculous party. It kind of gives him a regal appearance.

A king on his throne.

His eyes are tired, tracking his guests as some make their way to the exit. A few men are left, with cigars in their hands, chatting amongst themselves.

“Stone,” Dad calls, spotting me. “I thought you had slipped out without saying goodnight.”

“I figured we should talk.” I take the seat beside him. “Tonight was a whirlwind.”

He lifts the cigar to his mouth, sucking in a mouthful of smoke and slowly exhaling it. “Indeed. Martha goes all out. What did you do with that girl of yours?”

“She’s upstairs.”

“I’m right here.” Wren comes around the corner, her hair loose around her shoulders. The dress is back in place, molded to her perfect body.

I drag my gaze away from her tits and lock on her face. She sits on my lap.

I frown. Her weight settles on me, and I automatically put my hand on her bare back. She shivers slightly, goosebumps rising on her skin. I let my thumb trace just under the edge of her dress. I’ve been touching her all night, but this feels different. A little more dangerous.

This is in front of my father.

“I’m right here,” she repeats. “Wren Davis.”

Dad purses his lips.

“She was fostered by Evan’s parents, Dad.” My mouth is dry.

I have no fucking idea how I’m going to ask my questions with Wren on my lap. Because as soon as I start talking, she’s going to know I lied to her.



But it’s the same thing, isn’t it? At the end of the day…

“Ah, yes. The Mitchells. How is Evan?” Dad’s polite, his voice even, but his gaze is not on us anymore. He’s checking out of this conversation.

“Maybe in danger, since Wren’s dad had guys beat up her social worker and steal the file with his parents’ address on it.”