Page 29 of Cursed Dawn

Em laughed, his hands finding my back and sliding down to palm my ass. My pussy clenched, instantly paying attention.

I drew my chest from his, planning to roll my hips against his cock, but we both shot off the sofa in a panicked rush when a massive puddle of black tar melted through the wall and pooled on the carpet in front of us.

Faster than we could react, the tar rose and resolved into the form of a tall, muscular man with giant black wings. In the place of bulky gym-bro arms to match the rest of his body, he had—I shit you not—fifty dragon heads all spitting fire.

I froze, unable to believe what I was seeing.

Emlyn went nuclear.


Em wasn't kidding when he said he couldn't handle the thought of me in danger. A giant, dragon-armed man spitting fire in the middle of our living room was a pretty big fucking danger.

The monster didn't move towards us, just watched with something like surprise on his inky, surprisingly human face as Emlyn roared and magic splintered the room around him. It cut through the coffee table and shattered my empty mug. My heart leapt into my throat and a soft sound of surprise escaped me. Fuck.

I jumped out of the way, not fond of the idea of being sliced down the middle. Em felt … out of control. Completely ruled by terror.

Wane must have sensed my panic, because he came bursting into the room with shadows swarming around him and a knife already in his hand. I let out a rough breath.

The fiery dragon monster snapped his attention to Wane when the knife flung end over end and drove into his shoulder, narrowly missing a fiery, long-necked dragon. Fuck, how many of those things even were there? Fifty?A hundred?I'd seen snakes as hair, but dragons as arms? This was some kid’s creepy crayon drawing come to life.

"Wane," the monster spoke, the noise dreadful and ominous. Every one of his black dragons spoke at the same time, too many voices overlapping for my head to process. I gritted my teeth, edging around the dismembered coffee table.

"You shouldn't be able to get in here," Wane replied coldly, stalking across the room to my side. The thuds of fighting upstairs stopped, followed by frantic footsteps down the stairs. "This house is shielded.

"Against threats," the monster agreed, almost … smiling? Weird. "I bear you or your family no ill will, Wane."

Wane froze, his hand latching onto my arm tightly, like he needed me to hold him up. Horror and understanding dawned through his soul, edged with surprise. "Your voice…"

"Yes," the monster agreed, "I am the beast who was imprisoned beneath the Damned House."

Oh good, that place had a name. Of course it did. I couldn't think of anything more fitting.

"I thought I was hallucinating," Wane breathed, gripping my arm tight and looking like he'd seen a ghost. "Talking to myself, imagining the replies."

"You were my only companion in a thousand years of imprisonment," the monster replied, his dragons almost sad. "My only friend."

Emlyn took that moment to shear off two onyx dragon heads with a scythe of green magic. A roar filled his throat and every part of his body strained, bristling. Shit, he was seriously out of control.

"Emlyn," Wane breathed, darting forward and carrying me with him, seemingly unable to let go. "It's okay, he's a friend."

Emlyn curled his hands into tight fists. Panting, teeth bared, he dragged his power back into himself with a growl. Discomfort and effort pierced his soul so strongly I felt its echo.

The second his magic was under control, I rushed across the carpet and broken furniture, both Wane and I reaching for him.

"Are you okay?" I demanded, staring into Emlyn’s blue eyes, my fingers roaming his face, stroking his beard, his hair.

He didn't reply to me. He looked directly at the dragon-armed man and said, "If you touch a single one of my family, I'll eviscerate you."

He meant it, too.

"I will not touch them," Wane's friend promised, his dragons falling strangely still at his sides, spitting flames but almost … relaxed. It was really, really fucking weird.

"Who are you?" I asked, just as Harvey and Kai barrelled into the room, Kai's snakes slinging through the air and Harvey fully shifted, trampling what was left of the furniture.

A lump rose in my throat as I watched tables splinter, an armchair sliced cleanly in half, the coffee table wrecked.

"Stop," Wane hissed at them, grabbing Harvey by the scruff of his giant neck."Stop it."