Page 87 of Cursed Dawn

"Hermes," Wynvail replied in a voice as empty as mine. He looked from the messenger god to Haley and then back.

Wynvail should have been dead.Sheshould have beenalive.If I killed him, would it restore balance?

"The gods are here," Wane breathed, trembling with fear. "They can fight him. We should run—"

Wane flinched, and a breath of surprise managed to leave my chest when Cronus drove Haley's dagger forward, burying it in his stomach like—like she'd done to herself.

I stared down at her, my face crumpling. Why would she do that?Whywould she take herself from me? Didn't she know how much I needed her? Didn't she know we couldn't function without her? Why would she leave us?

The golden-haired god staggered back from Cronus, clutching his stomach—and in my peripheral vision he dropped to his knees.God-killers.That's what they called her knives.

"We need to get her out of here," Wynvail hissed, his urgency abrasions to my ears, to my empty soul. "Come the fuck on. You two, over here.Now!"

Harvey wrestled Kai back towards us, and Wynvail held out his arms, a frozen expression on his face. I couldn't tell if he was furious or broken or both.

"Grab hold of me. I can't get us far; I'm still recovering my strength. But I'll get us as far as I can."

"Why the fuck should we trust you?" Kai snarled, his eyes glowing and the ground trembling around him. I knew I should reign him in but I didn’t have the strength.

Wynvail's expression didn't flicker. "Cronus just killed our mate, and then slaughtered a god. Do you want to be next?"

Kai bared his teeth but he grabbed Wynvail's arm, hard enough to bruise.

"I'm not letting go of her," I rumbled in warning when Wynvail faced me, but I froze when he grabbed my shoulder. Wane and Harvey were already touching him.

Before I could say anything else, moon-white light tore us away. My stomach roiled. I clutched Haley tighter, her body too heavy, too limp, in my arms.

When the magic released us, even I knew it was far too soon. I stumbled, forcing bile down my throat and widened my stance so I didn't drop my mate. She'd wake up soon. Any minute now. She had to.

We were on a forested hill overlooking the shattered city of Olympus, far enough that I couldn't make out Cronus's features but close enough that I spotted him without effort. Too close.

"Shit," Harvey grunted, scrubbing his face with a shaky hand."Lookat the place."

There was nothing left of Olympus; it was only ashes. And people—gods? There were a hundred of them, and even more streaming from the mountains behind the once-city. Alphas and their commander, led by Cerberus, the three-headed dog. My heart festered with poison. If they'd been faster, would my mate still be breathing?

"Let me look at her," Wynvail said in his horrifically flat voice.

I bared my teeth, clutching her closer to my chest. I’d rip his throat out if he tried to take her from me.

"What is—what's happening?" Wane whispered, utterly still as he stared at Olympus, the city flattened and—

Dark, glassy structures rose from the ground, growing at an alarming rate. I blinked, and there was a city full of black, mirrored glass where it had been ruins moments before.

I took a step back, the sheer scale of power it took to make something like that happen quickening my breaths, freezing my blood in my veins.

Another second, and there were skyscrapers towering over the city, reflecting the dark trees and stormy skies around Mount Olympus. Power thumped from the dark, shining stone like a heartbeat, hideous and fell. My stomach roiled with each thump of magic.

"He remade it," Wane whispered, spiralling. "He remade Olympus."

"And if he can do that, what else can he do?" Harvey asked bleakly.

"Anything," Wynvail replied, staring—at Haley, not the city. "He just killed a god, and probably absorbed all his power. There's no hope of saving them when they're killed by that knife He's—" Wynvail's throat bobbed, lifting his hand to reach for my mate. I snarled, clutching her closer. "He's the true king of Olympus now. The king of all gods."

Even from here, I could see Cronus return to his heinous giant form, towering over the dark, dreadful city with Hermes clutched in his hand. I couldn't watch as he lifted his arm, his intention obvious. My gaze fixed instead on my mate.

Come on, Hales, wake up. Wake up.

I snapped my hand up when a bronze hand neared her face, but I swallowed my growl when I foundWane,not Wynvail. He brushed pink hair out of her face, pure devastation written in his eyes.