Page 74 of Cursed Dawn

Fucking hell, what had Cronus even done to this place? Mount Olympus was ripping itself apart beneath us.


I sent out more snakes, gritting my teeth as I grazed the bottom of the usually endless pit of magic inside me. I'd drawn too much this past week, with little time to rebuild my reserves. I'd never run out of power before, not even locked up in Alphaven’s tunnels, but I was dangerously close now.

Light split a toppled library ahead of me, and relief drove a rough breath from my lungs. Thankfuck.I corrected my course and leapt over holes in the ground, pushing my body to exhaustion until I found him.

"Harv—" I croaked, unable to finish his name. I bent over, bracing myself on my knees. Fuck, I needed to work out more. I bet the safe house had a personal gym, as well as the training room. "The—fuck—been?"

Harvey had his jaws locked around a giant chunk of stone; he tossed it aside and peered down at me, working his jaw like it was stiff.

"There are cells under the city," Renna barked, striding around the pile of rubble Harvey was dismantling, with Tali at her back. Both were covered in dust. Tali's mouth and chest was streaked with blood. I couldn't help but remember my mate telling me her friend ate people, so I gave the giant red panda a friendlydon't eat me, thank you very muchsmile.

"So?" I demanded carefully, straightening my posture. "How is that our problem?"

"They're full of gods and people of Olympus," Renna explained like I was stupid as she grabbed a chunk of mortar and threw it aside. "With them, we might stand a chance of getting off the mount alive."

"Great pep talk," I drawled, but I grabbed a stone and heaved it aside, scanning Harvey to make sure he was in one piece. "The faster we get this done, the faster we get back to Haley. She needs us."

Harvey froze, deadly magic flickering across his fur like smoke.

"She needs godly backup even more," Renna argued, her voice sharp and biting. An eerie red power pooled in her hand, chilling my blood, and she somehow moved a chunk of mortar bigger than my torso.

Harvey snarled, his giant head swivelling, searching the shattered streets.Where is my mate? Is she hurt?

"She's with Wane," I said hesitantly, catching my breath enough to shove aside a broken pillar. Shit, there was a grate under here. "They went to kill Cronus."

Harvey erupted with sunlight so bright I had to shade my eyes. When the deadly gleam faded, there was nothing left of the grateorthe library; it was obliterated.

"If you killed everyone inside, we're fucked," Renna hissed, Tali echoing her remark with a low growl.

Harvey didn't reply; he took off down the street, running so fast that he blurred. Driven by pure panic, following the mating bond to Haley.

"Good luck," I told Tali and Renna and raced after Harvey, weaving around obstacles and giant pits in the ground, struggling to stay on my feet when more holes ripped through the streets as Cronus's magic devoured Olympus.

"Hey!" Renna yelled behind me. "What the fuck?"

Did she really expect me to waste time on strangers when my mate was fighting a fuckingtitan?Panic made my legs weak as I ran, following the dark furry mass of Harvey's beast form and barely even flinching when vicious slices of sunlight arced from him and through the buildings around us, venting his rage and fear.

I climbed a perilous mountain of rubble blocking off the path, but I nearly slipped when Cronus roared in pain. The sound stabbed so deep in my skull that my legs gave out. I clutched my head, my teeth gritted and impact shooting up my knees.

Haley,I hissed at myself, a reminder that this pain was nothing. Losing her would be unbearable. So I pulled myself up and scaled the rubble pile, needing a vantage point of the whole ruined city so I could find—

There you are.

I could breathe again when I found her, pink hair lashing the air in a devastating wind as she flew twenty feet above Olympus. Her daggers were raised to the titan who loomed over her, the volcanic metal glowing crimson, and pride beat in my chest at the sight of her driving them towards the bastard's eyes.

Kill him, my rose. Make him regret every second of suffering he gave us.

I grabbed a fistful of power from my depleted reserves and built a tower of invisible cobras, bolstering me into the sky. I was too far to reach Haley, too far for her to even notice me, but with a half-thought, my magic carried me across the rubble towards her.

"Keep pressing," I breathed when Cronus knocked her knives aside, as if she could hear me.

Where was Wane? I scanned the skies—and found him collapsed on the ground.

My stomach pitched. I forgot how to breathe.

No. Fuck, no.