Page 63 of Cursed Dawn

I sucked in a breath and reached through my soul for my rose, her panic like a red flag to a bull. My nostrils flared. I angled my head at Harvey and he fell in beside me when I moved to the door, impatiently ushering Renna and Tali back outside.

"Best of luck," I told Hera when she followed, rising a few feet off the ground.

Oh. Goddesses could fly. Right. Of course they could.1

The sun rose all across Olympus, painting the pale buildings with pink and peachy orange. This place was too damn pretty for the poison sitting on its throne.

"Good luck to you too, Malakai," Hera replied, and rose higher, flying away from us—towards the giant coliseum built into the edge of Olympus behind the castle.

I took a slow breath, trying to steady myself but pissed off all over again at the floral sweetness in the air. It was like they perfumed this place, trying to cover the rotting stench at its core.

"So what's the plan?" Renna asked, following our lead as Harvey and I strode down the street towards the castle.2

I walked faster, my breath short. "Knock out the guards, break in through the white door at the base of the second tower, suffocate the guards there because they'll never back down. Then Harvey will shift and clear the path while I—we—take the third staircase up to the tower cells, threaten the matron there into removing the shields, and get our family out of the cell we tracked them down to last night."

I paused, giving Renna and Tali a hard look. "Any questions?"



So much magic filled the air now that I choked on it, coughing as it burned the back of my throat. It singed my nose too, and made my eyeballs tingle. Iknewthat power, and I knew exactly who possessed it—who stole it. That was the bone pin Wynvail stole fromme.The one Aphrodite now had. I needed answers. I needed to know how she got it, because her explanation—your mate never gave it to Cronus. He gave it to me. His lover—made my whole soul shrivel.

"Who isthat?"Wane breathed, jerking forward so suddenly his nose hit the glass.

I scanned the city, and my heart skipped when I saw a woman floating above the rooftops, her brown hair streaming behind her. She wore a dress but leather was layered over her arms, shoulders, and chest.

"She's armoured," I murmured. "Cronus's backup?"

"We're completely screwed," Verena muttered next door, the first thing she'd said in hours.

Emlyn took that as a cue to run at the door like a battering ram, driving his shoulder into the solid wood with a growl.

"Em!" I exclaimed, running to stop him before he hurt himself again. "It won't budge."

"I'm not waiting here for them to kill us," he growled and tore away from me, ramming his shoulder into the door again. It didn't even rattle in its frame.

"It won't work, you'll just hurt yourself," Wane breathed, launching after Em when he lunged again.

But before Emlyn could collide with the door it—swung open.

Wait, what?

I dug my fingers into Em's big arm as my heart palpitated. I was ready to jump in front of him if that's what it took to save him. We were locked up because of me and my inherited god powers; I wasn't going to let a single person hurt my mates because of that.

Shadows whipped into a cyclone around us, expanding as they swarmed the door. Wane’s magic was stronger, denser, than even before. So full of power that I felt it against my skin, a tingle raising goosebumps.

It surged towards the door, dangerous enough to suffocate, but golden light fractured the cloud of darkness like veins of lightning, and Wane's breath hitched in a sob that cracked my heart in two. The darkness dropped in an instant, dispersing as Wane rushed from my side as fast as an arrow.

"Need some help?" a dry, amused voice asked, and now I was crying too as Harvey appeared in the doorway, golden light pooled in his right palm. He was in control—he wasn't Feral at all in this moment, and that made my bottom lip wobble viciously.

"You found us," I choked out.

"Always, Sugarplum," Harvey said gently, hugging Wane so tightly his fingers turned white. "Let's get the fuck out of here. This place gives me the creeps."

A twisted, feminine cry of pain echoed up the hallway outside, and I jumped, my heart kicking into overdrive.

"What the fuck is that?" Emlyn demanded, grabbing my hand in a death grip.