Page 57 of Cursed Dawn

"Drop it," I warned the devil, my voice hard.

"You're here to hide from him," Lucifer went on, gentle as if a soft tone made the words any easier to hear. "I can't imagine the things he did to you, Hera. I'm sorry. But hewillreclaim his former glory unless someone stops him."

"It doesn't have to be me," she said coldly, turning back to the window. "Let someone else fight my father."

"Your father," I murmured, my mind racing. "If that bastard is your sperm donor, Typhon's your brother right?"

Hera spun, stray chestnut hairs escaping her bun. "Typhon?"

"Cronus had him locked up under the house where my brother was captive," Harvey said, his voice upset and furious all at once. "He's Wane's friend. He warned us that Cronus wants to—to kill my mate." He glanced at me. "Our mate. He wants to devour her. And Typhon, too."

"Like he consumed us," Hera breathed, her hand to her throat. She looked at Lucifer, steel entering her expression. "I won't make promises, Lucifer. I'll lend you my power if I'm able, but nothing more."

"Thank you," the devil breathed, sounding more than a little relieved. "We'll round up whatever gods are left on our side. You won't be alone."

Hera laughed, shaking her head, her face full of scepticism even as her godly glow brightened. "We're not what we once were. Not enough to defeat a titan."

"Didn't you take him down with tricks and cleverness before?" I asked, stiffening when her attention settled on me, her glow stabbing my eyes until they watered. "We're not crazy powerful, my family and I, but we're savvy bastards. If there's a way to trick him, we'll think of it. Iwillkill him, without a fucking doubt."

"Stop swearing at the goddess," Harvey hissed,

Hera straightened her circlet, looking between Harvey and I. "You're serious about killing him."

"Deadly," I confirmed.

Harvey nodded, taking a deep breath and standing straighter.

"You do know he's a titan older than most other beings in the known universe?" she asked, frowning a little as she crossed the room, her posture sharper, straighter, and something clearing in her eyes. The scent of magic hit me, sharp enough to make my nose burn.

"We do," Harvey said firmly.

Hera nodded, looking between us. "You've got nerve, and a strange well of kindness. This might just work."

"It will," Lucifer agreed, so confident there was zero chance he wasn't faking it.

"And if Aphrodite kills me?" Hera gave the devil a flat look. "Do you have a plan for that, too, Lucifer?"

If the goddess killed Hera, the rest of us were screwed. I glanced at Harvey, finding him already watching me.

"Whatever it takes," he said, and held out his hand.

I clasped it and squeezed hard. "Whatever it takes."

If we died trying to rescue our family, well … they were sentenced to death anyway. At least we'd all be together.



Just don't have a mental breakdown,I coached myself,just don't breakdown and everything will be fine.

Easier said than done, with golden gates towering twenty feet above us and a godly city spread out on the other side, half hanging off a massive cliff. We'd reached Olympus by climbing a peak in Greece, but facing the city, all my hairs and feathers standing on end and power thrumming through the air, tingling the back of my tongue, there was no way we were still on Earth.

My arms burned when Hera set her warm brown hands to the gates. My nose tingled, my sore eyes stinging as magic crackled through the air like a the air before a storm.

"Fuck," I muttered, rubbing my face and reaching for Haley through the bond. She was close—far closer than when we were in Hell—and the feral beast in me settled. She was … soft. Sleeping. Em and Wane must have been with her, too, because there was no way she'd be asleep without them. Her calm bled into me, soothing my ragged soul until I could drag in a full breath.

"Kai?" I brushed him with my wing, peering at my brother as he stood as rigid as iron beside me. "You okay?"